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Recent Submissions

  • Innovative e-learning environment Slovenian in the palm of your hand 

    Ulčnik, Natalia (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    The author presents an innovative freely accessible e-learning environment Slovenian in the palm of your hand , created within the framework of the project of the same name at the University of Maribor.
  • Nada Šabec, 2021: Slovene Immigrants and Their Descendants in North America: Faces of Identity 

    Sicherl, Eva (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    Prispevek predstavlja znanstveno monografijo Nade Šabec Slovene Immigrants and Their Descendants in North America: Faces of Identity (2021).
  • Matjaž Klemenčič, Milan Mrđenović, Tadej Šeruga, 2020: Political participation of Slovenian ethnic communities in the USA - A case study of Cleveland, Ohio, and Ely, Minnesota 

    Oder, Karla (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20)
    Prispevek predstavlja znanstveno monografijo Matjaža Klemenčiča, Milana Mrđenoviča in Tadeja Šeruge: Politična participacija slovenskih etničnih skupnosti v ZDA – študija primerov Clevelanda, Ohio, in Elyja, Minnesota ...
  • Marko Jesenšek (ed.), 2021: Deroči spring by Anton Krempl 

    Ulčnik, Natalija (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    In July 2021, the University Press of the University of Maribor published a monograph about one of the most prolific and prominent Eastern Slovenian writers of the first half of the 19th century, Anton Krempel.
  • Tjaša Markežič, Irena Stramljič Breznik, 2021: Feminativi v slovenskem jeziku 

    Štebih Golub, Barbara (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    Prispevek predstavlja monografijo Feminativi v slovenskem jeziku Tjaše Markežič in Irene Stramljič Breznik.
  • Marko Jesenšek, 2021: Chapters from the development of the Slovenian language 

    Shek, Polonca (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    Full professor Dr. Marko Jesenšek, employed at the Department of Slavic Languages ​​and Literatures at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor, published his eleventh scientific monograph entitled Chapters from ...
  • Bibliography prof. dr. Martine Orožen 

    Polajnar, Anka; Sollner Perdih, Anka (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    Dr. Martina Orožen (Turje pri Hrastnik, 13 October 1931), emeritus professor of historical grammar and dialectology of the Slovenian language, spent most of her teaching and research career at the Department of Slavic ...
  • Slovene bibliography of Gerhard Neweklowski (1970–2022) 

    Maurer-Lausegger, Herta; Neweklowsky, Gerhard (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    Retired Slavist and linguist academician university prof. dr. Gerhard Neweklowsky belongs to the circle of the most prominent representatives of Austrian Slavic studies. He worked as a professor of Slavic linguistics at ...
  • Gerhard Neweklowsky: Porträt und slowenistisches Lebenswerk 

    Maurer-Lausegger, Herta (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    Der Sprachwissenschaftler und Akademiker Dr. Gerhard Neweklowsky zählt zu den herausragenden Vertretern der österreichischen Slawistik. Der im Jahr 1941 in Linz an der Donau geborene und seit 1979 in Klagenfurt-Viktring ...
  • The Coronavirus Era and its new vocabulary and phraseology in Slavic languages 

    Danylenko, Liudmyla (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    V članku je obravnavano novejše besedje in novejše frazeološke enote, ki so se v različnih slovanskih jezikih (ukrajinščini, ruščini in češčini) pojavile v povezavi s pandemijo koronavirusa. Posebna pozornost je namenjena ...
  • Typology of Witchcraft in Ukrainian and Russian Prose of the 1st Half of the 19th Century: Anthropology, Stereotyping, Semantics 

    Chyk, Denys; Dzys, Taras (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19)
    V članku so analizirana besedila ukrajinskih in ruskih pisateljev 19. stoletja, v katerih je čarovništvo postalo predmet domišljijske interpretacije. Izbrana dela pojasnjujejo značilnosti čarovniške tematike, njene psihološke ...
  • The "castle" sememe in Slavic fairy tales 

    Danišová, Nikola (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20)
    V prispevku se osredotočamo na gradivno identifikacijo in osnovno tipološko klasifikacijo semantema grad v slovanskih pravljicah. Na osnovi medbesedilnegan in medkulturnega soočenja skušamo razkriti bistvena načela ...
  • On the Question of the Reception of French Parnassians by Kyiv Neoclassicists 

    Snizhynska, Maryna (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15)
    Članek obravnava fenomen sprejemanja del francoskih parnasovcev s strani kijevskih neoklasicistov. Študija je bila izvedena s primerjalno analizo. Glavni predmet analize so besedila ukrajinskih avtorjev, ki vsebujejo sklice ...
  • Ostian context of the "Roman elegy" of Alexandra Petrova 

    Fokina, Svetlana (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15)
    Diskurzivni konteksti lirskega zapleta Aleksandre Petrove premagujejo družbeno- psihološke, zgodovinske in mitološke vidike rimske semiosfere, vključno z Ostio Antiko in Lido di Ostio. Ustvarjanje rimske elegije A. Petrove ...
  • The problem of gender identity in the novel “Easy Breathing” by I. Bunin 

    Smirnov, Ivan (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20)
    Avtor članka dvomi o normativni spolnosti likov romana Ivana A. Bunina Lahkotno dihanje in njihovo nedoločeno psiho-spolno identiteto prikazuje skozi prizmo naukov Vasilija V. Rozanova o mesečnih ljudeh. Psihofiziološke ...
  • Parodies of Didactic Victorian Verses in Slovene Translations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 

    Kaloh Vid, Natalia (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20)
    Članek se osredotoča na prevajalske metode, ki so jih slovenski prevajalci Aličinih dogodivščin v Čudežni deželi, Bogo Pregelj (1951), Gitica Jakopin (1969, 1990) in Helena Biffio (1994), uporabili za prenos parodij v ...
  • Reactions in American print media to Adamic’s book The Native’s Return 

    Klemenčič, Matjaž; Mrđenović, Milan (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15)
    Prispevek predstavlja odmeve na Adamičevo delo Vrnitev v rodni kraj (The Native’s Return) v ameriških časopisih. Knjiga je bila rezultat Adamičevega obiska Jugoslavije kot Guggenheimovega štipendista v letih 1932 in 1933. ...
  • English gerund-participial clauses and their Macedonian equivalents 

    Gj. Atanasovska, Katarina; Cvetkoski, Vladimir (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15)
    Glagolniško-deležniške konstrukcije v angleščini imajo širok spekter uporabe in funkcij. So strukturno raznolike in se pojavljajo v različnih kontekstih, kar vodi do pomenskih variacij. Prispevek se s formalnega in ...
  • Metaphorical collocations - on the problem of their theoretical definition and empirical research 

    Keglević Blažević, Ana (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20)
    Prispevek podaja teoretični pregled podkategorije metaforičnih kolokacij in različnih pristopov njihovega empiričnega raziskovanja. Kolokacije so bile doslej preučevane z različnih zornih kotov, kljub temu pa še vedno ni ...
  • Conceptualization of love in Russian, Macedonian, and Slovak language 

    Nikolovski, Gjoko; Mirchevska-Bosheva, Biljana (University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15)
    V fokusu prispevka je konceptualizacija ljubezni v ruskem, makedonskem in slovenskem jeziku skozi prizmo kognitivne teorije metafore. S tem ciljem je iz vseh treh jezikov analizirano gradivo, ki pomeni globoko in intimno ...

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