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Now showing items 201-220 of 554

    • Katrina Consequences: What Has the Government Learned? 

      Gottlieb, David J. (Loyola University New Orleans College of Law, 2006)
      Eleven months ago, the nation witnessed Hurricane Katrina, perhaps the worst "natural" disaster to have occurred on American soil. The failures at all levels of government to cope, in a minimally competent way, with the ...
    • Wilson v. Seiter: Less than Meets the Eye 

      Gottlieb, David J. (Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1999)
      In 1991 the United States Supreme Court revisited the question of the general standards that are required in eighth amendment conditions-of-confinement litigation. In Wilson v. Seiter, the Court declared that, in an eighth ...
    • Chapter 10: The Constitutionality of the Sentencing Guidelines 

      Gottlieb, David J. (Aspen Publishers, 2010)
      A survey of case law and decisions related to then-recent implementation of the Sentencing Guidelines to criminal cases in Federal Court.
    • An Analysis of Recent Changes in Kansas Drunk Driving Laws 

      Gottlieb, David J.; Zinn, Steven R. (1986)
      For the past several years the problem of drunk driving has become of increasingly intense public concern. In response to this concern, the Kansas Legislature has passed major amendments to the drunk driving laws. The most ...
    • Inclusivity and Diversity: Cross-section of ASEEES by Gender, Discipline, and Institution 

      Giullian, Jon C. (2013-05-23)
      This talk presents a snapshot of inclusivity and diversity in Slavic and Eurasian Studies. More specifically the talk presents a cross-section of gender inclusivity, academic diversity, and institutional representation ...
    • Online Research Guides: Audience, Assessment, and Advice 

      Giullian, Jon C. (2013-05-23)
      This document contains the outline of my talk at the 2012 ASEEES National Convention and is accompanied by presentation slides. This talk presents some of the author's experiences in designing, creating, using, and ...
    • Смерть и жизнь 

      Ремизов-Васильев, Н. В. (Ре-ми); Remizov-Vasil’ev, N. V. (Re-me) (2013-05-20)
      Caption: Американское бюро путешествий Кука после окончания войны предполагает устроить экскусию для американцев пр всем местам, где происходили знаменитие битвы... Гид: -- На этом месте, господа, полегло в 2 дня сто ...
    • С булавкой против носорога 

      Радлов, Н. (Radlov, N.) (2013-05-20)
      Caption: Американец: -- Женщины и дети! Теперь вы можете свободно ехать по морю! Это чудовище уже не может выстрелить! (Translation: American: “Women and children! Now you can sail the seas unmolested! This monster can no ...
    • Рыцарь индустрии 

      Лебедев, В. В. («Мисс» Ремизова, А. В.); Lebedev, V. V. (“Miss” Remizova, A. V. ) (2013-05-20)
      Caption 1: Американец: Германия! Ты мне бросаешь перчанку? Что же, я принимаю ее. Translation“ American: “Germany! Are you throwing down a gauntlet? Well, whatever, I’ll take it. Caption 2: Опять бросаешь! И эту ...
    • Умение приспособиться 

      Ремизов-Васильев, Н. В. (Ре-ми); Remizov-Vasil’ev, N. V. (Re-me) (2013-05-20)
      Caption: Вильгельм: «Жаль, что эти тела такие мягкие, а то можно было бы вкатать на них и бомбадировать сверху». (Translation: Wilhelm: “It’s a pity that these bodies are so soft, otherwise we could just roll some cannons ...
    • ["Долго думал Псюкин..."] 

      Лебедев, В. В. («Мисс» Ремизова, А. В.); Lebedev, V. V. (“Miss” Remizova, A. V. ) (2013-05-20)
      Caption: Долго думал Псюкин, какой бы ему костюм на Масленице надеть: чтобы был дешев и чтобы Псюкин никто не узнал. Пошел Псюкин к мяснику, купил себе фунт филея, мясник с Псюкина за это живо шкуру содрал. – Дешево и ...
    • Масленичный номер 

      Ремизов-Васильев, Н. В. (Ре-ми); Remizov-Vasil’ev, N. V. (Re-me) (2013-05-20)
      Caption: Если кто знает, когда кончится вечная масленица для одних, вечный пост для других, -- протелефонируйте в редакцию “Нового Сатирикона”. Очень просим! Редакция (Translation: If anyone knows when the eternal Carnival ...
    • Безплодная Смоковница. 

      Юнгер, А. (IUnger, A) (2013-05-20)
      First Caption: Когда между Берлином и Константиноплем был пушен первый поезд прямого сообщения, турки ждали: -- Вот приедет поезд, и мы будем сыты и обуты... Увы -- поезд пришел пустой. -- Зачем же он пришел? -- А чтобы ...
    • WWII Cossack Newspapers and Periodicals at CRL 

      Giullian, Jon C. (Center for Research Libraries (CRL), 2010)
      This article summarizes the contents of the World War 2 Cossack Newspapers and Periodicals, a small collection of Cossack newspapers published mostly during World War II and microfilmed at the request of the Slavic and ...
    • Slavic Studies and the World: Embracing the Revolution of Open Access Publishing 

      Giullian, Jon C. (Sofia, Bulgaria: “St. Kliment Okhridskii” University of Sofia, 2010)
      This study discusses patterns of open access publishing in Slavic studies. The purpose of this study is to gauge the level of open access publishing among Slavic studies scholars; to identify what types of documents are ...
    • "Goodbye Doesn’t Mean Forever:" Selection Strategies for the Transfer of Slavic to Off-Site Remote Storage 

      Giullian, Jon C. (“St. Kliment Okhridskii” University of Sofia, 2007)
      The 21st century American research library faces a serious housing crisis. Today more than ever libraries must balance patrons’ needs for access with the responsibility of preserving and storing the deluge of published ...
    • Pre-publication review. Virtual Slavica: Digital Libraries, Digital Archives 

      Giullian, Jon C. (Haworth Press, 2005)
      Reviews the book "Virtual Slavica: Digital Libraries, Digital Archives," the first major work to address the issue of technology and Cyrillic language resources, thus providing an important “snapshot of Slavic digital ...
    • Slavic Folklore, the Library, and the Web: A Case-study of Subject-Specific Collaborative Information Literacy at the University of Kansas 

      Giullian, Jon C. (Slavic & East European Information Resources, 2009)
      This case-study describes the on-going integration of Information Literacy (IL) into a large undergraduate general education course on Slavic folklore at the University of Kansas. The purpose of the case-study is to provide ...
    • Where Library Meets Vendor: A Comparison of Six Vendors of Russian Books 

      Giullian, Jon C. (Slavica, 2006)
      This work compares the online catalogs, monographic holdings, and book prices of six major vendors of academic Russian books. The purpose is twofold: (1) to determine which catalogs are the most robust and, thus, most ...