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dc.contributor.authorBožinovski, Biljana
dc.identifier.citationBožinovski, Biljana. 2009. The Language of the Stock Exchange – A Contrastive Analysis of the Lexis. Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 7 (2009): 153–168.
dc.identifier.citationBožinovski, Biljana. 2009. The Language of the Stock Exchange – A Contrastive Analysis of the Lexis. Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 7 (2009): 153–168.
dc.description.abstractSLV: V članku je podana analiza jezika borze s stališča slovensko-angleške protistave. Izrazje (samo¬stalniške zveze) obeh jezikov smo protistavili tako v strukturnem kot v semantičnem smislu, pri čemer se je razkrilo več protistavnih značilnosti, med drugim različni načini ubeseditve istega pojma, terminološke praznine in lažni prijatelji, slovensko borzno terminologijo pa zaznamujejo tudi angleške tujke. ENG: The article analyzes the language of the stock exchange from a Slovene-English contrastive view¬point. The specialized lexis of the two languages was juxtaposed as to the structural and semantic differences of their respective terms and expressions (nominal phrases), revealing such contrastive phenomena as different conceptualizations, terminological gaps and false friends, while the Slov¬ene stock exchange terminology is also characterized by English foreignisms.
dc.publisherInštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti / Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas
dc.subjectEnglish language as adstratum
dc.subjecteconomics terminology
dc.titleThe Language of the Stock Exchange – A Contrastive Analysis of the Lexis
dc.title.alternativeJezik borze – Kontrastivna analiza leksike

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