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dc.contributor.authorKaloh Vid, Natalia
dc.identifier.citationKaloh Vid N. (2022). Parodies of Didactic Victorian Verses in Slovene Translations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Slavia Centralis, 15(1), 233–248. Retrieved from
dc.description.abstractČlanek se osredotoča na prevajalske metode, ki so jih slovenski prevajalci Aličinih dogodivščin v Čudežni deželi, Bogo Pregelj (1951), Gitica Jakopin (1969, 1990) in Helena Biffio (1994), uporabili za prenos parodij v viktorijanski dobi znanih in priljubljenih didaktičnih pesmi. Humoristični učinek v Carrollovih parodijah temelji na norčevanju iz družbenega protokola in dekonstrukciji moralnih ter didaktičnih načel viktorijanske dobe, oddaljene in za ciljno občinstvo slovenskih otrok ali odraslih komaj poznane epohe. Namen analize je preučiti rešitve, ki jih ponujajo slovenski prevajalci za poustvarjanje parodističnega učinka, ter ugotoviti, kako te rešitve vplivajo na bralčevo interpretacijo, dojemanje in razumevanje Carrollove pripovedi, upoštevajoč, da parodirane pesmi v slovenski kulturi niso dobro poznane. Zanimalo me je predvsem, na kakšen način (in če sploh) so prevajalci zagotovili parodistični učinek in ali so uspešno dosegli zrcaljenje pomenov, ki je običajno za parodije.

The current analysis focuses on how Carroll’s parodies of famous didactic Victorian poems in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland were rendered by Slovene translators. The humourist effect in these parodies is based on a mockery of socially accepted norms and Victorian protocol, as well as on the deconstructing of the moral and didactic principles of the Victorian Era, an epoch which the target audience of Slovene children or adults barely know. The primary goal of the research is to analyse strategies Slovene translators used to re-create the parodied effect, and how these solutions influenced the readers’ interpretative abilities, impression, and understanding of Carroll’s text, considering that parodied poems were unknown in the target Slovenian culture. I was particularly interested whether (and in which way) the translators ensured the familiar parody effect, and what happened to the double meanings commonly found in parodies.
dc.publisherUniversity of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literaturesen_US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2022 University of Maribor Press. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.en_US
dc.subjectAličine dogodivščine v Čudežni deželien_US
dc.subjectLewis Carrollen_US
dc.subjectAlice’s Adventures in Wonderlanden_US
dc.subjectLewis Carrollen_US
dc.titleParodies of Didactic Victorian Verses in Slovene Translations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderlanden_US
kusw.oaversionScholarly/refereed, publisher versionen_US
kusw.oapolicyThis item meets KU Open Access policy criteria.en_US

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Copyright (c) 2022 University of Maribor Press. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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