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dc.contributor.authorKálecz-Simon, Orsolya
dc.identifier.citationOrsolya Kálecz-Simon. 2011. Egzistencijalistički nadahnuta lirika u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Mađarskoj. Slavia Centralis IV/2: 70-81.
dc.description.abstractV petdesetih in šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja se je v srednjeevropskem pesništvu pojavila zelo močna literarna smer, ki je črpala iz različnih literarnih in filozofskih pogledov Camusa, Sartra in drugih. Medtem ko so zahodni eksistencialisti poudarjali pomen družbene angažiranosti, so se njihovi vzhodni kolegi osredotočali predvsem na ontološka vprašanja in stremeli po literarnem okolju brez vplivov ideologij. Razprava predstavlja liriko treh pesnikov – Edvarda Kocbeka (Slovenija), Slavka Mihalića (Hrvaška) in Jánosa Pilinszkyja (Madžarska) – ter izpostavlja njihove stične točke: ontološko-individualistične teme, izoliranost lirskega subjekta, predmetnost in težnja po depersonalizaciji, svobodni verz ter pesniški jezik, podoben živemu jeziku. In the 1950s and 1960s, a very influential type of poetry was born in Central Europe that owes a lot to Camus, Sartre et al. While Western existentialists emphasized the need for social engagement, their Eastern colleagues concentrated on ontological questions and tried to create a literary environment isolated from ideological influences. This paper discusses the poetry of Edvard Kocbek (Slovenia), Slavko Mihalić (Croatia) and János Pilinszky (Hungary), whose most important common points are their ontological-individualistic topics, isolation of the lyric subject, the objectivist and depersonalizing tendencies, free verse and a poetic manner of speaking that is very close to live speech.
dc.rightsAll articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC)
dc.subjectsrednja Evropa
dc.subjectKocbek, Edvard
dc.subjectSlavko Mihalić
dc.subjectPilinszky, János
dc.subjectCentral Europe
dc.titleEgzistencijalistički nadahnuta lirika u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Mađarskoj
kusw.oaversionScholarly/refereed, publisher version
kusw.oapolicyThis item does not meet KU Open Access policy criteria.

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