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dc.contributor.authorDulichenko, Aleksandr D.
dc.identifier.citationSlovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 1
dc.description.abstractENGLISH: In the summer of 1990 a copy of Trubar's Pſalter Dauidou was discovered among the library resources of Tartu University in the collection Bibliotheca Bergmannae No 255. This copy came to Tartu in 1796 from the collection of Johannes Breitkopf of Leipzig. This is the twelfth known copy of Trubar's book. The present paper gives a detailed description of the Tartu copy to compare with the texts of the other extant copies.

According to B. Berčič (1968), there are 11 copies of the Pſalter Dauidou by Primož Trubar (four copies in Slovenia, three in Germany, two in Switzerland, one in Slovakia, one in the Czech Republic). In the summer of 1990 we discovered the twelfth copy in the Tartu University Scientific Library. The book is well preserved. The registration list reveals that the book has never been checked out. This refers to the collection Bibliotheca Bergmannae No 255 (which is now in the Department of Manuscripts). According to a note made on the title page the book came from the Johannes Breitkopf collection in 1796. The article gives a detailed description of the copy: besides its full name, all parts are described with their beginnings and ends, so that it is possible to compare the texts of the Tartu copy with the other eleven extant copies and identify whether or not there are some textual differences between them.

With regard to South Slavic Protestant editions of the 16th century, aside from the Pſalter Dauidou, a Cyrillic copy of the Artikuli (1562), translated by the Croatian Protestants Stipan Konzul and Anton Dalmatin, was also discovered.

SLOVENE: O najdbi primerka Trubarjevega Davidovega psaltra (1566) v knjižnici Univerze v Tartuju

Poleti 1990 se je v knjižnici Univerze v Tartuju, v zbirki Bibliotheca Bergmannae No 255, našel izvod Trubarjevega Davidovega psaltra. Knjiga je prišla v Tartu leta 1796 iz knjižnice Johannesa Breitkopfa iz Leipziga. To je dvanajsti znani ohranjeni izvod te Trubarjeve knjige. Članek prinaša podroben prikaz tartujskega izvoda in tako omogoča primerjavo z drugimi.

Kot poroča B. Berčič (1968), je bilo doslej znanih 11 ohranjenih izvodov te knjige: štirje v Sloveniji, trije v Nemčiji, dva v Švici,eden na Češkem in eden na Slovaškem. Poleti 1990 smo v znanstveni knjižnici Univerze v Tartuju odkrili dvanajstega. Knjiga je dobro ohranjena. Pogled v knjižnični arhiv nam pove, da je ni nihče uporabljal. Knjiga nosi signaturo Bibliotheca Bergmannae No. 255 in se nahaja v rokopisnem oddelku. Iz zaznamka na naslovnici je razvidno, da je prispela v Tartu leta 1796 iz knjižnice Johannesa Breitkopfa iz Leipziga. Članek podaja podroben opis tartujskega izvoda: poleg polnega naslova so opisani tudi drugi njegovi deli -- njihovi začetki in konci -- , tako da omogoča primerjavo s preostalimi enajstimi ohranjenimi izvodi.

Poleg omenjenega Davidovega psaltra smo v knjižnici Tartujske univerze odkrili še izvod v cirilici natisnjene knjige Artikuli (1562), ki sta jo prevedla hrvaška protestanta Stipan Konzul in Anton Dalmatin.
dc.publisherZRC SAZU, Hall Center for the Humanities
dc.subjectSlovene language
dc.subjectSlovenian language
dc.subjectEstonian library holdings
dc.subjectBible translation
dc.subjectChristian liturgy
dc.titleO naxodke ekzempljara izdanija Pſalter Dauidou (1566) Primoža Trubara
dc.title.alternativeOn the Discovery of a copy of Trubar's Pſalter Dauidou (1566) in the Tartu University Library

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