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dc.contributor.authorGreenberg, Marc L.
dc.identifier.citationSlovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 2
dc.description.abstractENLGISH: The present contribution gives a glossary of all of the attested forms in four works by Karol Ozvald (3 of which remain unpublished), written between 1895 and 1904, describing the phonetics, morphology, and lexicon of the dialect of the microdialect of Središče (ob Dravi), a dialect of Prlekija (Pannonian dialect group). As such, this represents the first publication of a work giving detailed lexicographical and phonological information on a Prlekija microdialect. Brief synchronic and diachronic sketches of the phonology of the microdialect, as well as a description of the principles on which the glossary was compiled, are also given. These are based on earlier analyses of the dialect by the compiler of the glossary. The dialect is in most ways typical of the Pannonian group, and Prlekija in particular, in contrasting short and long-stressed vowels. Diphthongs are absent, as the dialect has undergone the monophthongization of relatively recent date, thus, for example, both bre^.g 'hill, embankment' (< *brĕ^gъ) and šte^. 'count!' 2nd sg. imperative (< *čьtĕjь) contain the same vowel phoneme. Consequently, the dialect is rich in vocalic contrasts, particular among the front vowels (long: /î, ê./, [ê], /ê,, â˚/, [â], /ô., û, r^˚/; short: /i˚", ä", a", u", r"˚/; unstressed: /i˚, e., ä, o, u˚, r˚/). With regard to accentual innovations, Središče has carried through a restricted variety of the forward shift of the Common Slavic falling tone, such that it is realized only if the second syllable is closed (e.g., golo^.b 'pigeon', väčęr 'evening' < *go"l<nasal-o>bь, *ve"čerъ); otherwise, the place of stress as well as the Common Slavic vowel quantity remain unchanged (e.g., me^so 'meat', o"ko 'eye' < *mêso, *o"ko). SLOVENE: Pričujoči prispevek podaja slovarček vseh izpričanih oblik v štirih razpravah Karla Ozvalda (od katerih so tri neobjavljene), datiranih od 1895 do 1904, ki vsebujejo opis glasoslovja, oblikoslovja in besedišča govora Središča (ob Dravi) v Prlekiji (panonska skupina). Kot tak je prispevek prva objava kakega dela, ki vsebuje podrobne podatke o besedišču in fonologiji kakega prleškega govora. Prispevek prinaša tudi kratek sinhroni in diahroni oris fonologije središkega govora ter opis načel, po katerih je bil slovarček sestavljen. To dvoje temelji na analizah govora, ki jih je sestavljalec slovarčka predhodno opravil. Govor je v večini pogledov značilen predstavnik panonske skupine in še posebej prleškega narečja, zlasti kar zadeva nasprotje med kratkimi in dolgimi naglašenimi samoglasniki. Diftongov nima, ker je govor doživel precej pozno monoftongizacijo, tako da npr. brê.g (< *brĕgъ) in štê. 'štej!' (< *čьtĕjь) 2. os. ed. vsebujeta isti samoglasniški fonem. Zato pa ima veliko samoglasniških nasprotij, zlasti med sprednjimi samoglasniki (dolgi: /î, ê./, [ê], /ê,, â˚/, [â], /ô., ô, r^˚/; kratki: /i"˚, ä", a", u", r"˚/; nenaglašeni: /i˚, e., ä, o, u˚, r˚/). Pri naglasnih inovacijah je središki govor izvedel omejeno različico pomika praslovanskega cirkumfleksa, do katerega je prišlo samo v primerih, ko je bil drugi zlog zaprt (npr. golô.b, väčęr < *go"l<nasal-o>bь, *ve"čerъ); v drugih primerih pa sta mesto naglasa in praslovanska kolikost samoglasnika ostala nespremenjena (npr. mêso < *mêso, o"ko < *o"ko).
dc.publisherZRC SAZU / Hall Center for the Humanities
dc.subjectSlovene language
dc.subjectSlovenian language
dc.subjectSouth Slavic languages
dc.titleSlovarček središkega govora (na osnovi zapisov Karla Ozvalda)
dc.title.alternativeGlossary of the Microdialect of Središče ob Dravi (Based on the Descriptions of Karol Ozvald)

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