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dc.contributor.authorUlčnik, Natalija
dc.identifier.citationUlčnik, Natalija. "Slovarsko gradivo Ftičarjevega romana Za nápršnjek vedríne." Slavia Centralia. 2. (2010): 125-146.
dc.description.abstractZa nápršnjek vedríne (2004, 2006) by Jože Ftičar represents the first Slovene novel written in dialect. In a broader sense it can be considered the continuation and upgrading of the old Prekmurje literary production. The present paper aims to analyze and evaluate the lexicographical material issued as a supplement to the novel. In it the author gathered almost 3,000 entries for items that he assumed the reader of standard Slovene would have difficulty understanding. The dictionary has also proven significant for Prekmurje dialect lexicography, since it includes entries that had not yet been registered.
dc.description.abstractZa nápršnjek vedríne (2004, 2006) avtorja Jožeta Ftičarja predstavlja prvi slovenski narečni roman, v širšem smislu pa ga lahko razumemo tudi kot nadaljevanje in nadgradnjo stare prekmurske knjižne ustvarjalnosti. V prispevku je analizirano in ovrednoteno slovarsko gradivo, ki je izšlo kot dodatek k romanu. V njem je avtor zbral skoraj 3000 leksemov, za katere je predvideval, da jih sodobni (ne)prekmurski bralec ne bi mogel razumeti. Pomen slovarja se pokaže tudi v okviru prekmurskega narečnega slovaropisja, saj so vanj vključene številne enote, ki pred tem še niso bile evidentirane.
dc.rightsAll articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC)
dc.subjectFtičar, Jože
dc.subjectZa nápršnjek vedríne
dc.subjectnarečni roman
dc.subjectprekmursko narečje
dc.subjectprekmurski knjižni jezik
dc.subjectdialect novel
dc.subjectPrekmurje dialect
dc.subjectPrekmurje literary language
dc.titleSlovarsko gradivo Ftičarjevega romana Za nápršnjek vedríne
kusw.oaversionScholarly/refereed, publisher version
kusw.oapolicyThis item does not meet KU Open Access policy criteria.

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