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dc.contributor.authorJuhász, Dezső
dc.contributor.authorTerbe, Erika
dc.identifier.citationJuhász, Dezső. "Der Atlas der ungarischen Dialekte in Rumänien steht vor der Vollendung." Slavia Centralis. 1. (2010): 61-73.
dc.description.abstractThe 11th and last volume of The Atlas of Hungarian Dialects in Romania (RMNyA) is ready for publication. The work, the material of which was gathered in the 1950s and 1960s, is suppletory in Hungarian dialectology. The RMNyA enables a more detailed description of the Hungarian dialects in Romania and a comprehensive typology of dialects. It opens new possibilities for synchronic and diachronic examinations. Concurrently with its publication, the RMNyA was included in the project for the digitalisation of the MNyA, as a result of which the two big atlases are integrated into a single electronic database. This enables new corpus linguistical and dialectological analyses as well as the preparation of integrated maps by using the techniques of computer cartography.
dc.description.abstractEnajsti, zadnji del Atlasa madžarskih narečij v Romuniji (The Atlas of Hungarian Dialects in Romania – RMNyA) je pripravljen za tisk. Delo, za katerega so gradivo zbirali v petdesetih in šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja, pomembno zaokrožuje madžarsko dialektologijo. RMNyA omogoča podrobnejši opis madžarskih narečij v Romuniji in njihovo pregledno tipologijo. Odpira nove možnosti za sinhrone in diahrone preglede. Sočasno z izdajo je bil RMNyA uvrščen v projekt za digitalizacijo MNyA, rezultat tega pa je integracija dveh velikih atlasov v eno samo elektronsko bazo podatkov. To omogoča nove lingvistične in narečne analize korpusa kot tudi pripravo integriranih map z uporabo računalniške kartografije.
dc.rightsAll articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC)
dc.subjectmadžarska narečja v Romuniji
dc.subjectjezikovni atlas
dc.subjectinkorporacija atlasov
dc.subjectHungarian dialects in Romania
dc.subjectlinguistic atlas
dc.subjectincorporation of atlases
dc.titleDer Atlas der ungarischen Dialekte in Rumänien steht vor der Vollendung
kusw.oaversionScholarly/refereed, publisher version
kusw.oapolicyThis item does not meet KU Open Access policy criteria.

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