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dc.contributor.authorRóbert, Kiss Szemán
dc.identifier.citationRóbert, Kiss Szemán. "Ján Kollár avagy a szláv nemzet jó tulajdonságai?" Slavia Centralis. 2. (2009): 167-181.
dc.description.abstractThis study calls attention to Kollár’s two-part sermon which exerted a large influence on the national consciousness of the modern Slav nations. Kollár discusses five good qualities of the Slav nation: its godliness, diligence, cheerfulness, love of mother tongue, and forbearance towards other nations. Among the possible prototypes of this sermon are a paper by János Horváth, entitled “On the Religious and Moral Condition of the Hungarians” in the 1817 volume of Tudományos Gyűjtemény. The manner of adoption can be seen as creative artistic activity, in the course of which Kollár significantly reinterpreted the qualities in question and applied them to the Slav nation.
dc.description.abstractŠtudija opozarja na Kollárjevo parno pridigo, ki je imela velik vpliv na nacionalno zavest sodobnih slovanskih narodov. Kollár razpravlja o petih dobrih lastnosti slovanskih narodov: njihovi pobožnosti, marljivosti, veselosti, ljubezni do materinščine in popustljivosti do drugih narodov. Med možne prototipe te pridige sodi članek Jánosa Horvátha z naslovom O verskem in moralnem stanju starih Madžarov v izdaji Tudományos Gyűjtemény iz leta 1817. Način prevzemanja lahko razumemo tudi kot ustvarjalno umetniško dejavnost, s katero je Kollár znatno reinterpretiral omenjene lastnosti in jih prenesel na slovanski narod.
dc.rightsAll articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC)
dc.subjectnacionalna zavest slovanskih narodov
dc.subjectzgodovina v obdobju romantike
dc.subjectromantična inačica »ogledala duše«
dc.subjectpridiga v 19. stoletju
dc.subjectmoderna nacionalna identiteta
dc.subjectčeška/slovaška literatura v 19. stoletju
dc.subjectNational consciousness of the Slav nations
dc.subjecthistory in the Romantic Age
dc.subjectromantic version of the “mirror of the soul”
dc.subjectsermon in the 19th century
dc.subjectmodern national identity
dc.subjectHungarian and Czech/ Slovak literature in the 19th century
dc.titleJán Kollár avagy a szláv nemzet jó tulajdonságai?
kusw.oaversionScholarly/refereed, publisher version
kusw.oapolicyThis item does not meet KU Open Access policy criteria.

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