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dc.contributor.authorJesenšek, Marko
dc.identifier.citationMarko, Jesenšek. "Slovenski jezik in Evropska zveza." Slavia Centralis. 2. (2009): 7-23.
dc.description.abstractThis article presents the position of the Slovene language in the European Union in the context of the European Year of Languages and the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. Firstly, the experience of the Slovene language in the former common state is presented. Attention is paid to some fictional similarities regarding the position of the Slovene language in the SFRJ and the EU, then the linguistic circumstances and the position of the Slovene language, decisively determined by the multilingualism of the EU in the new community, are analyzed; the advantages and difficulties connected with European multilingualism are presented; and the Slovene linguistic policy as drafted in the Law on Public Usage of Slovene Language and in the Resolution on National Program for Linguistic Policy 2007–2011 is introduced. The article concludes with thoughts on some comments in the Resolution about the position of Slovene studies in domestic and foreign Universities.
dc.description.abstractV članku je prikazan položaj slovenskega jezika v Evropski zvezi, in sicer v luči Evropskega leta jezikov in Evropskega leta medkulturnega dialoga. Predstavljena je slovenska jezikovna izkušnja v bivši skupni državi, opozorjeno je na nekatere navidezne podobnosti glede položaja slovenščine v SFRJ in EZ, nato pa so analizirane jezikovne razmere in položaj slovenskega jezika v novi skupnosti, ki ga odločilno določa odločitev za večjezičnost EZ-ja; predstavljene so prednosti in težave, ki so povezane z evropsko večjezičnostjo; prikazana sta slovenska jezikovna politika in načrtovanje, kakršna se kažeta v Zakonu o javni rabi slovenskega jezika in v Resoluciji o nacionalnem programu za jezikovno politiko 2007–2011, članek pa se ob komentarju nekaterih zapisov v Resoluciji zaključi z razmišljanji o položaju slovenistike na domačih in tujih univerzah.
dc.rightsAll articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC)
dc.subjectEvropska zveza (EZ)
dc.subjecturadni jeziki EZ
dc.subjectpoložaj slovenskega jezika v Jugoslaviji in EZ
dc.subjectjezikovna politika
dc.subjectZakon o javni rabi slovenskega jezika
dc.subjectEuropean Union
dc.subjectofficial languages of the EU
dc.subjectposition of Slovene language in Yugoslavia and EU
dc.subjectlinguistic policy
dc.subjectLaw on public usage of Slovene language
dc.titleSlovenski jezik in Evropska zveza
kusw.oaversionScholarly/refereed, publisher version
kusw.oapolicyThis item does not meet KU Open Access policy criteria.

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