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Recent Submissions

  • Remote Access Techniques and Issues 

    Klein, Bill (2006-11-14)
    The ability to access the internet is a de facto requirement these days, and doing so from home is no exception. This presentation provides an overview of the technologies and issues related to this need.
  • RINGS Registration and Security 

    Brown, Dustin (ResNet 2006 Conference, 2006-06-15)
    RINGS provides a complete open source system that scales to the entire campus for both wired and wireless infrastructure. This system includes layered security, DHCP services, device registration, account management, ...
  • Next Generation DHCP Deployments 

    Hull, Dave; Willard, George F., III (CMP Media LLC, 2005-02)
    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol has facilitated mobile computing and made life easier for system administrators. This article examines some of the unique security problems found in DHCP environments, including a new ...