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dc.contributor.authorSnoj, Marko
dc.identifier.citationSnoj, Marko. 2009. Slovene Place Names with the Suffix -ina: Some Difficult Cases and Implications for South Slavic Onomastics. Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 7 (2009): 45–59
dc.identifier.citationSnoj, Marko. 2009. Slovene Place Names with the Suffix -ina: Some Difficult Cases and Implications for South Slavic Onomastics. Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies 7 (2009): 45–59
dc.description.abstractSLV: Članek se osredotoča na slovenske in nekatere druge južnoslovanske zemljepisnoimenske družine, v katerih je krajevno ali pokrajinsko ime tvorjeno s pripono -ina, pripadajoča pridevnik in stanovniško ime pa sta tvorjena iz podstave brez nje. Na etimološko in razvojno jasnih primerih se ugotavlja tvorbeni model takih imenskih družin, ki lahko bistveno pripomore k rešitvi zapletenih problemov, kot sta slovensko Gameljne in srbsko Priština. Posega tudi v terminologijo imenoslovne stroke in predlaga, da bi se za imenske družine, v katerih pridevnik in/ali stanovniško ime nista tvorjena iz (celotne) osnove krajevnega imena, uporabljal izraz nekonsolidirane imenske družine. ENG: The paper focuses on Slovene and certain other South Slavic geographical name families in which the local or regional name is formed with ina and the corresponding adjective and ethnonym are formed from bases without this suffix. On the basis of transparent examples in terms of etymology and sound changes a word-formational process can be discerned which can be applied to solve more difficult cases, such as Slovene Gameljne and Serbian Priština. Furthermore, a terminological proposal for onomastic terminology is proposed, namely, that in instances where the adjective or ethnonym are not derived from the (whole) base of the place name, the term unconsolidated family of names be used.
dc.publisherInštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti / Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas
dc.subjectSlavic languages
dc.subjectpersonal names
dc.subjectHistorical linguistics
dc.subjectSouth Slavic languages
dc.titleSlovene Place Names with the Suffix -ina: Some Difficult Cases and Implications for South Slavic Onomastics
dc.title.alternativeSlovenska krajevna imena na -ina: nekaj težavnih primerov in njihov pomen za južnoslovansko onomastiko

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