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dc.contributor.authorŽele, Andreja
dc.identifier.citationSlovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 1 (1997): 69-90
dc.description.abstractSLOVENE: Slovenski razvoj besedotvornih pomenov pri izglagolskih samostalnikih, posebno pri glagolniku

Glagolnik z besedotvornim pomenom dejanja (De) je kot izglagolsko tvorjenko med glagolske oblike uvrščal že A. Bohorič in ga poimenoval glagolje. Zastranitev besedotvorne problematike pomeni obravnava izglagolskih tvorjenk glede na spol pri M. Pohlinu in O. Gutsmanu. Vendar tolikokrat ponovljeni spol kot delitveno merilo tvorjenk dokazuje in opravičuje obstoj skladenjske podstave tvorjenke z izraženim spolom - tako skladenjska podstava predstavlja vmesno slovnično pretvorbeno stopnjo med tvorjenko in njeno pomensko razlago.

Pravi začetek besedotvorja je pri V. Vodniku, ki je opisnopredstavil besedotvorne pomene izglagolskih tvorjenk. Nadaljnji razvoj besedotvorja je opazen pri P. Dajnku in F. Metelku. Slednjise je zgledoval po J. Dobrovskem. Pri P. Dajnku pa prvič zasledimo poimenovanje za besedotvorno vrsto izpeljava -- Ableitung.

F. Levstik je obravnaval glagolnik s stališča jezikovne norme in ga poimenoval glagolšček ali tudi glagolsko ime, ki naj bi v stavkih nadomeščalo nedoločnik.

F. Miklošič je besedotvorje postavil kot samostojno problemskopodročje. Pri njegovih razčlembah tvorjenk stopa v ospredje razmerjepomen : oblika. Zobsežnim številom priponskih obrazil je Miklošič predstavil vsebesedotvorne pomene z možnimi metonimičnimi pomenskimi premikitvorjenk, posredno pa je opozoril na povezavo besedotvorja inskladnje in na njuno medsebojno odvisnost. To pa so že zametkiskladenjskega besedotvorja.

Na tvorbene posebnosti glagolnika in tudi drugih izglagolskih samostalnikov s stališča glagolskega vida in glagolske(ne) prehodnosti so opozorili R. Perušek, A. Breznik in A. Bajec; slednji je priponska obrazila razvrstil v 24 t. i. pomenskih skupin.

Današnje raziskave J. Toporišiča in A. Vidovič Muhe patemeljijo predvsem na vzročno-posledičnem razmerju med skladnjo in besedotvorjem in odpirajo možnosti za nadaljnje raziskave na področju slovenskega besedotvorja.

ENGLISH: The Slovene Development of Meanings in Deverbal Nouns,with Particular Reference to the Verbal Noun

The verbal noun with the word-formational meaning of Action (De) as an ordinary substantival derivative from a verb by suffixation was classifed as early as A. Bohorič, who used the term glagolje. Acertain stagnation and deviation from progress toward a theory of word-formation is the treatment of substantival derivatives based on gender by M. Pohlin and O. Gutsman. Nevertheless, the fact that gender as a distributional criterion of a complex word is such a recurrent feature also demonstrates the importance of the syntactic base with expressed gender -- so the syntactic base represents an intermediate grammatical transformational phase between a complex word and its semantic base.

The true beginning of Slovene word-formation is represented by V.Vodnik with the description of word-formational meanings of substantival derivatives from verbs. Further developments in word-formation are observed in Dajnko's and Metelko's grammars. F. Metelko had taken J. Dobrovsky as a model, and P. Dajnko introduced the term Ableitung for ordinary derivation by suffixation.

A normative view of the treatment of the verbal noun is represented by F. Levstik with the terms glagolšček or glagolsko ime, which may substitute for the infinitive.

Slovene word-formation was recognized as an independent linguistic field by F. Miklošič. His theory of word-formation revealed the relationship meaning : form. A comprehensive inventory of suffixal formants represents all word-formational meanings, including the possible metonymic meaning shifts of derivatives. Miklošič had also pointed out of the relationship between word-formation andsyntax, and thus to him we may ascribe the concept of syntactic word-formation.

The formational peculiarities of verbal nouns and of other substantival derivatives with respect to verbal aspect and (in)transitive verbs are presented by R. Perušek, A. Breznik and A.Bajec. Finally, all suffixal formants are classified in twenty-four groups.

Today the research of J. Toporišič and A. Vidovič Muha are based on the cause and effect relationship between syntax and word-formation and their research opens new possibilities for further research in Slovene word-formation theory.
dc.publisherISJFR, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana and Hall Center for the Humanities, Lawrence
dc.subjectSlovene language
dc.titleSlovenski razvoj besedotvornih pomenov pri izglagolskih samostalnikih, posebno pri glagolniku
dc.title.alternativeThe Slovene Development of Meanings in Deverbal Nouns, with Particular Reference to the Verbal Noun

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