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dc.contributor.authorVrbinc, Marjeta
dc.identifier.citationSlovenski jezik/Slovene Linguistic Studies 5
dc.description.abstractENG: Članek obravnava kolokacije na splošno in se nato osredotoči na protistavne probleme, na katere naletijo rojeni govorci slovenščine pri enkodiranju. Poudarek je na študiji, ki smo jo izvedli, da bi ugotovili, katere napake se pojavljajo na področju kolokacij, kadar rojeni govorci slovenščine prevajajo iz slovenščine v angleščino. Študija je bila izvedena med študenti angleščine, ki so bili pred prevajanjem seznanjeni s kolokacijskimi omejitvami. Predstavljena je analiza napak skupaj s pogostnostjo posamezne vrste napake, ki se je pojavila v študiji. Poudarek študije je na leksikalnih kolokacijah, teprav delno upoštevamo tudi slovnične. V zadnjem delu članka so navedeni možni razlogi za napake v prevodih študentov, podan pa je tudi kratek opis obravnave kolokacij v najobsežnejšem slovensko-angleškem slovarju, ki je na voljo na trgu. ENG: The article deals with collocations in general and then concentrates on contrastive problems encountered by native speakers of Slovene when encoding. The emphasis is on a study conducted to find out what types of mistakes are made in the field of collocations when native speakers of Slovene translate from Slovene into English. The study was carried out among students of English who had been given instructions about the collocational restrictions prior to the task. An analysis of mistakes is presented together with the frequency of a specific type of mistake that appeared in the study. The emphasis of the study is on lexical collocations, although grammatical collocations are not entirely ignored. The last part of the article gives possible reasons for the mistakes in the students' translations and provides a brief description of the treatment of collocations in the most comprehensive Slovene-English dictionary available.
dc.publisherFran Ramovš Institute for Slovene Language, Scientific Research Center, Slovene Academy of Arts & Sciences; Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas
dc.subjectSlovenian language
dc.subjecttranslation theory
dc.subjectL2 acquisition
dc.subjectLanguage contact
dc.subjectEnglish language
dc.titleKriži in težave rojenih govorcev slovenščine s kolokacijami v angleščini

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