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Au Boulot! First-Year French

Dinneen, David A.
Christiansen, Hope
Kernen, Madeleine
Pensec, Herve
Au boulot! is a two-year college French program consisting of: a textbook, workbook and 21 accompanying audio exercises; as well as a reference grammar, to be used the entire two years. We also insist that our students obtain a fall-sized dictionary, and we recommend the HARPER-COLLINS-ROBERT bilingual New Standard Edition. (Instructors will note in reviewing the materials that we provide vocabulary lists at the ends of chapters, with translations, but no glossary. We have become convinced after years of experience that glossaries are counter-productive. It is vital that students learn to use dictionaries, and the sooner the better.) In our current program (we have tested this material at the first year and are now testing the second year sequel), we also use a separate reader. The text and workbook are shorter and "lighter" than the average first-year texts have become in recent years, at least in part because we want to provide a core of grammar presentation and exercises, both mechanical and creative, while allowing instructors the flexibility to choose their own reading materials, of which there is a variety of excellent ones available.
This record contains a textbook (pdf), reference grammar (pdf), and the workbook for the first semester (pdf) with 21 accompanying audio exercises (mp3).
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Houghton Mifflin