ATTENTION: The software behind KU ScholarWorks is being upgraded to a new version. Starting July 15th, users will not be able to log in to the system, add items, nor make any changes until the new version is in place at the end of July. Searching for articles and opening files will continue to work while the system is being updated. If you have any questions, please contact Marianne Reed at .

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2title_keyword:Biodegradable thermosensitive polymeric micelles based on methacrylamide-oligolactates as carrier system for photosensitizers1389.60%0.00
3title_keyword:Deeper understanding of solid state phase conversion and influence of excipients on the in-vitro dissolution behavior of carbamazepine disks1218.42%0.00
4title_keyword:Engineering peptides to promote stabilizing interactions in the solid state1027.10%0.00
5title_keyword:Characterization of microchip capillary electrophoresis systems coupled to microdialysis for on-line monitoring765.29%0.00
6title_keyword:An analytical method for simultaneously assessing biological and physical barriers of the rat intestinal mucosa714.94%0.00
7title_keyword:Microcrystalline particles prepared by precipitation in the presence of stabilizing excipients543.76%0.00
8title_keyword:In-situ measurement of solid phase transformations during dissolution testing533.69%0.00
9title_keyword:Freezing-induced perturbation of tertiary structure of monoclonal antibody422.92%0.00
10author_keyword:Blaton, N.412.85%0.00


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