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Terminological characteristics of the noun phrase with the term cell in natural sciences

Jakoša, Suzana
Glavač, Damjan
Stramlić Breznik, Irena
V prispevku je predstavljen termin celica, ki si ga po širitvi prvotnega pomena besede celica delijo sorodna in nesorodna strokovna področja. Delež pojmov, s katerimi je povezan v pojmovnih sistemih, in terminov v poimenovalnih sistemih, katerih izhodišče je, je največji v naravoslovnih vedah. Jezikoslovna analiza je pokazala veliko terminotvorno produktivnost termina celica, saj so v obsežnem poimenovalnem sistemu tudi večbesedni termini, ki tvorijo različno strukturirane samostalniške besedne zveze. Večbesedni termini se odmikajo od terminološkega načela gospodarnosti, vendar obenem izkazujejo natančnost in jasnost poimenovanja pojmov v zapletenih pojmovnih sistemih strokovnih področij. The article presents the term cell, which is shared by related and unrelated professional fields after the expansion of the original meaning of the word cell. The share of concepts with which it is connected in concept systems and terms in terminological systems originating from it is the largest in natural sciences. A linguistic analysis has shown that the term cell is highly productive in term formation, since the extensive terminological system contains multiword terms with up to twelve components that form nominal phrases with a varied structure. Multi-word terms deviate from the terminological principle of economy, but simultaneously display precision and clarity in the naming of concepts in the complex concept systems of professional fields.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Pojmovni sistem, Poimenovalni sistem, Terminologizacija, Pomenotvorje, Samostalniška besedna zveza, Termin celica, Concept system, Terminological system, Terminologisation, Semantic extension, Nominal phrase, The term cell
Jakoša S., Glavač D., & Stramlić Breznik I. (2022). Terminological characteristics of the noun phrase with the term cell in natural sciences. Slavia Centralis , 15 (1), 7–25. Retrieved from https://journals.um.si/index.php/slaviacentralis/article/view/1840
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