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Publication Innovative e-learning environment Slovenian in the palm of your hand(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Ulčnik, NataliaThe author presents an innovative freely accessible e-learning environment Slovenian in the palm of your hand , created within the framework of the project of the same name at the University of Maribor.Publication Nada Šabec, 2021: Slovene Immigrants and Their Descendants in North America: Faces of Identity(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Sicherl, EvaPrispevek predstavlja znanstveno monografijo Nade Šabec Slovene Immigrants and Their Descendants in North America: Faces of Identity (2021).Publication Matjaž Klemenčič, Milan Mrđenović, Tadej Šeruga, 2020: Political participation of Slovenian ethnic communities in the USA - A case study of Cleveland, Ohio, and Ely, Minnesota(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20) Oder, KarlaPrispevek predstavlja znanstveno monografijo Matjaža Klemenčiča, Milana Mrđenoviča in Tadeja Šeruge: Politična participacija slovenskih etničnih skupnosti v ZDA – študija primerov Clevelanda, Ohio, in Elyja, Minnesota (2020). The contribution presents a scientific monograph by Matjaž Klemenčič, Milan Mrđenović and Tadej Šeruga: Political participation of Slovenian ethnic communities in the USA - a case study of Cleveland, Ohio, and Ely, Minnesota (2020).Publication Marko Jesenšek (ed.), 2021: Deroči spring by Anton Krempl(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Ulčnik, NatalijaIn July 2021, the University Press of the University of Maribor published a monograph about one of the most prolific and prominent Eastern Slovenian writers of the first half of the 19th century, Anton Krempel.Publication Tjaša Markežič, Irena Stramljič Breznik, 2021: Feminativi v slovenskem jeziku(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Štebih Golub, BarbaraPrispevek predstavlja monografijo Feminativi v slovenskem jeziku Tjaše Markežič in Irene Stramljič Breznik.Publication Marko Jesenšek, 2021: Chapters from the development of the Slovenian language(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Shek, PoloncaFull professor Dr. Marko Jesenšek, employed at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor, published his eleventh scientific monograph entitled Chapters from the Development of the Slovenian Language . The monograph was published in 2021 as the 145th book in the Zora International Book Collection. It was published by the University Publishing House of the University of Maribor.Publication Bibliography prof. dr. Martine Orožen(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Polajnar, Anka; Sollner Perdih, AnkaDr. Martina Orožen (Turje pri Hrastnik, 13 October 1931), emeritus professor of historical grammar and dialectology of the Slovenian language, spent most of her teaching and research career at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. She obtained her doctorate at the University of Ljubljana, acquired and shared her knowledge and skills in Warsaw, Krakow, Vienna, Graz and elsewhere. Last year, she celebrated her 90th birthday, and this is an opportunity to show the Slovene and Slavist public her extensive rich heritage and her extraordinary love for the Slovenian language.Publication Slovene bibliography of Gerhard Neweklowski (1970–2022)(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Maurer-Lausegger, Herta; Neweklowsky, GerhardRetired Slavist and linguist academician university prof. dr. Gerhard Neweklowsky belongs to the circle of the most prominent representatives of Austrian Slavic studies. He worked as a professor of Slavic linguistics at the Institutes of Slavic Studies of the universities in Klagenfurt (1979–2000) and Vienna (2000–2006). He was vice-rector for public relations and external relations of the University of Klagenfurt (1995-1999). He contributed a lot to the international contacts of the University of Klagenfurt and Slavic studies there. He also held a number of other prestigious professional positions at home and abroad. He is a regular member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and an external member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the holder of several high awards. Gerhard Neweklowski's life's work is rich and devoted to Slavic languages and cultures. The lion's share of his professional publications are devoted to Slovene studies and the language and culture of the Croats of the castle in Austria. A selected bibliography of Slovenian and Slovenian-oriented works is published on the occasion of the high jubilee of the professor's eightieth birthday, which he celebrated on April 14, 2021.Publication Gerhard Neweklowsky: Porträt und slowenistisches Lebenswerk(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Maurer-Lausegger, HertaDer Sprachwissenschaftler und Akademiker Dr. Gerhard Neweklowsky zählt zu den herausragenden Vertretern der österreichischen Slawistik. Der im Jahr 1941 in Linz an der Donau geborene und seit 1979 in Klagenfurt-Viktring ansässige Slawist beging am 14. April 2021 seinen 80. Geburtstag. Anlässlich des Jubiläums wird im vorliegenden Beitrag eine kurze Gesamtschau auf die akademische Laufbahn und das Lebenswerk des Jubilars geboten, wobei sein wissenschaftliches Opus im Fachbereich der Slowenistik sowie seine neuesten Monografien (ab dem Jahr 2002) näher ins Auge gefasst werden. Da ein beachtlicher Teil der Arbeiten des Slawisten dem Burgenlandkroatischen gewidmet ist, wird auch dieser kurz umrissen.Publication The Coronavirus Era and its new vocabulary and phraseology in Slavic languages(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Danylenko, LiudmylaV članku je obravnavano novejše besedje in novejše frazeološke enote, ki so se v različnih slovanskih jezikih (ukrajinščini, ruščini in češčini) pojavile v povezavi s pandemijo koronavirusa. Posebna pozornost je namenjena značilnim tematskim skupinam in metaforičnim ter besedotvornim prvinam. Rezultati raziskave kažejo vzporednice med analiziranimi jeziki; v vseh se pojavljajo anglicizmi in priložnostni neologizmi, ki so izrazito ekspresivni. Novosti na področju frazeologije in paremiologije so osnovane na obstoječih strukturno-semantičnih modelih in prenovitvah pregovorov v antipregovore. The purpose of this research is to study new vocabulary and phraseology that appeared in relation to the coronavirus pandemic in different groups of Slavic languages: Ukrainian, Russian and Czech. Thematic groups, figurative and word shaping resources are described. The results of the research revealed parallel trends: Mainly borrowings from the English language and occasional neologisms with a clear expressive tone. Innovations in the fields of Phraseology and Paremiology take place based on the existing structural-semantic models and transformations of proverbs into new anti-proverbs.Publication Typology of Witchcraft in Ukrainian and Russian Prose of the 1st Half of the 19th Century: Anthropology, Stereotyping, Semantics(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-19) Chyk, Denys; Dzys, TarasV članku so analizirana besedila ukrajinskih in ruskih pisateljev 19. stoletja, v katerih je čarovništvo postalo predmet domišljijske interpretacije. Izbrana dela pojasnjujejo značilnosti čarovniške tematike, njene psihološke in mitološke temelje, antropološke poetike podobe čarovnice in njene kulturne, zgodovinske ter nacionalne izkušnje. V literarnih podobah čarovnic se odraža neutemeljeno in s predsodki zaznamovano dojemanje Rominj in Judinj kot čarovnic, ki jih motivira vedeževanje, razširjeno pri teh narodih. Motiv za nenamerno postavitev moškega v čarovniški krog, ki se pojavlja v delih Manjkajoče pismo (Zgodba, ki jo je povedal diakon … cerkve) N. Gogolja in Kijevske čarovnice О. Somova, razkriva ljudske predstave o čarovniških orgijah. V znanih podobah duhov (pomočnikov čarovnic in čarovnikov) prepoznamo kombinacijo dveh motivov: spreobrnjenje demonov v živali in ljudi ter komunikacijo med peklenskim svetom in čarovnico ali grešnico. The authors analyse the texts of Ukrainian and Russian writers of the nineteenth century, in which the witchcraft theme became the subject of imaginative interpretation in some way. The range of witchcraft theme features, its psychological and mythological foundations, anthropological poetics of the witch image, and its cultural, historical and national experience are clarified in the works. In literary images of witches the writers show the groundless and prejudiced perceptions of Roma and Jewish women as enchantresses, urged by sortilege, which was common among these nationalities. The motive of the accidental man on the witch coven, which is deployed in “The Lost Letter: A Tale Told by the Sexton of the N…Church” by N. Gogol, “The Witches of Kyiv” by O. Somov, represents people’s ideas of the witch orgies. In the familiar spirit images – helpers of witches and sorcerers – one can see a combination of two motives – turning demons into animals and people, and communication between the infernal world and a witch or sinner.Publication The "castle" sememe in Slavic fairy tales(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20) Danišová, NikolaV prispevku se osredotočamo na gradivno identifikacijo in osnovno tipološko klasifikacijo semantema grad v slovanskih pravljicah. Na osnovi medbesedilnegan in medkulturnega soočenja skušamo razkriti bistvena načela upodabljanja gradu, tj. ugotoviti, v katerih pripovednih situacijah in predmetno-motivskih konstelacijah je izbrani semantem ikoniziran, ter razjasniti njegovo funkcijo in arhetipski pomen v metaforiki slovanskih pravljic. Predpostavljamo, da grad v svetu pravljic in magičnih zgodb predstavlja svojevrsten in ugleden topos, ki je sestavni del potovanja literarnega lika (Campbell) oz. njegove iniciacije (Propp, Hodrová) ali individualizacije (Jung, Hollis, Bettelheim). Prispevek predstavlja osnovni pregled obravnavane tematike. The present paper focuses on the material identification and basic typological classification of the “castle” as a sememe in the Slavic fairy tales. Through intertextual and intercultural confrontation, we will try to reveal the constitutive principles of depicting the castle, i.e. to find out what narrative situations and subject-motivic constellations this sememe is iconised in, and clarify its function and archetypal meaning in the metaphoric code of the Slavic fairy tales. We assume that the “castle” in the world of fairy tales and magic stories represents a distinctive and distinguished topos, which is an integral part of the “hero´s journey” (Campbell), and/or his initiation (Propp, Hodrová), or the process of individualisation (Jung, Bettelheim, Hollis). The present paper is the primary probe into the chosen topic.Publication On the Question of the Reception of French Parnassians by Kyiv Neoclassicists(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15) Snizhynska, MarynaČlanek obravnava fenomen sprejemanja del francoskih parnasovcev s strani kijevskih neoklasicistov. Študija je bila izvedena s primerjalno analizo. Glavni predmet analize so besedila ukrajinskih avtorjev, ki vsebujejo sklice na dela njihovih francoskih predhodnikov iz 19. stoletja. Članek opredeljuje skupne značilnosti teh literarnih trendov, kot so posvečanje pozornosti obliki, starodavnim podobam in zapletom ter odmik od romantike. Ugotovljene so bile značilnosti neoklasicizma, ki se zaradi drugačne kulturne in politične situacije ter časovne razdalje bistveno razlikuje od parnasizma. Analizira se tudi vloga francoskega parnasizma pri oblikovanju in razvoju kijevskega neoklasicizma. The article describes the reception of the French Parnassians’ works by Kyiv Neoclassicists. This study is carried out with the comparative method. The main object of the work is the texts of Ukrainian authors which contain allusions to the works of their French predecessors of the XIX century, as well as the translations of Parnassians’ poetry made by Kyiv Neoclassicists. The article defines the common characteristics of these literary movements, such as attention to form, appeal to antique images and plots, and the shift away from Romanticism. The features of Neoclassicism have been identified, which distinguish it significantly from Parnassism due to the different cultural and political situation and time distance. The role is also analysed of French Parnassism in the formation and development of Kyiv Neoclassicism.Publication Ostian context of the "Roman elegy" of Alexandra Petrova(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15) Fokina, SvetlanaDiskurzivni konteksti lirskega zapleta Aleksandre Petrove premagujejo družbeno- psihološke, zgodovinske in mitološke vidike rimske semiosfere, vključno z Ostio Antiko in Lido di Ostio. Ustvarjanje rimske elegije A. Petrove kot potencialno posebne podvrste elegičnega žanra, ki ohranja spomin na velike predhodnike, nam omogoča, da ponovno razmislimo o semiozi, ki temelji na vlogah, ki ustrezajo starodavnemu rimskemu prototipu. A. Petrova za svoj lirski zaplet izbere nekoliko nekonvencionalen rimski lokus – Ostio. V sodobni rimski elegiji se obeta tudi avtoričina preobrazba mitoloških modelov, povezanih z ljubezenskimi temami in ločitvijo. The discursive contexts of the lyrical plot of A. Petrova beat the socio-psychological, historical, mythological aspects of the Roman semiosphere, including Ostia Antika and Lido di Ostia. The creation of A. Petrova’s “Roman elegy” potentially as a special subspecies of the elegiac genre that preserves the memory of its great predecessors, allows us to rethink the role behaviour corresponding to the ancient Roman prototype. A. Petrova, for her lyrical plot, chooses a somewhat unconventional Roman locus, which is Ostia. In the modern “Roman elegy” it is promising to consider the author’s transformation of mythological models related to love themes and separation.Publication The problem of gender identity in the novel “Easy Breathing” by I. Bunin(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20) Smirnov, IvanAvtor članka dvomi o normativni spolnosti likov romana Ivana A. Bunina Lahkotno dihanje in njihovo nedoločeno psiho-spolno identiteto prikazuje skozi prizmo naukov Vasilija V. Rozanova o mesečnih ljudeh. Psihofiziološke značilnosti in negativne izkušnje vedenja na ravni spolne vloge namreč povzročajo zmedo binarnih nasprotij in močan duhovni kolaps posameznikov, kar v enem primeru vodi v smrt mladega dekleta, v drugem pa do duševnega trpljenja odrasle ženske. Spolna privlačnost, v lezbični dvojici poosebljena v ljubezni in strasti, vodi v osebnostno krizo, ki vključuje protislovja na psihološki, socialni in moralni ravni. In the article, the author questions the normative sexuality of the heroes of I. Bunin’s short story “Easy Breathing”, and shows their indefinite psychogender identity through the prism of V. Rozanov’s teachings about the people of the “moonlight”. The psychophysiological characteristics and negative experience of gender-role behaviour provoke a mixture of binary oppositions and a powerful spiritual collapse of individuals, which, in one case, leads to the death of a young girl, and in the other, to the mental suffering of an adult woman. Sexual attraction, personified in a lesbian dyad in love and passion, leads to a personal crisis, which entails contradictions in psychological, social and moral aspects.Publication Parodies of Didactic Victorian Verses in Slovene Translations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20) Kaloh Vid, NataliaČlanek se osredotoča na prevajalske metode, ki so jih slovenski prevajalci Aličinih dogodivščin v Čudežni deželi, Bogo Pregelj (1951), Gitica Jakopin (1969, 1990) in Helena Biffio (1994), uporabili za prenos parodij v viktorijanski dobi znanih in priljubljenih didaktičnih pesmi. Humoristični učinek v Carrollovih parodijah temelji na norčevanju iz družbenega protokola in dekonstrukciji moralnih ter didaktičnih načel viktorijanske dobe, oddaljene in za ciljno občinstvo slovenskih otrok ali odraslih komaj poznane epohe. Namen analize je preučiti rešitve, ki jih ponujajo slovenski prevajalci za poustvarjanje parodističnega učinka, ter ugotoviti, kako te rešitve vplivajo na bralčevo interpretacijo, dojemanje in razumevanje Carrollove pripovedi, upoštevajoč, da parodirane pesmi v slovenski kulturi niso dobro poznane. Zanimalo me je predvsem, na kakšen način (in če sploh) so prevajalci zagotovili parodistični učinek in ali so uspešno dosegli zrcaljenje pomenov, ki je običajno za parodije. The current analysis focuses on how Carroll’s parodies of famous didactic Victorian poems in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland were rendered by Slovene translators. The humourist effect in these parodies is based on a mockery of socially accepted norms and Victorian protocol, as well as on the deconstructing of the moral and didactic principles of the Victorian Era, an epoch which the target audience of Slovene children or adults barely know. The primary goal of the research is to analyse strategies Slovene translators used to re-create the parodied effect, and how these solutions influenced the readers’ interpretative abilities, impression, and understanding of Carroll’s text, considering that parodied poems were unknown in the target Slovenian culture. I was particularly interested whether (and in which way) the translators ensured the familiar parody effect, and what happened to the double meanings commonly found in parodies.Publication Reactions in American print media to Adamic’s book The Native’s Return(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15) Klemenčič, Matjaž; Mrđenović, MilanPrispevek predstavlja odmeve na Adamičevo delo Vrnitev v rodni kraj (The Native’s Return) v ameriških časopisih. Knjiga je bila rezultat Adamičevega obiska Jugoslavije kot Guggenheimovega štipendista v letih 1932 in 1933. Izšla je februarja 1934 v zelo visoki nakladi, sledilo pa je več ponatisov. Po atentatu na kralja Aleksandra (9. oktobra 1934) je bila knjiga nepogrešljivo branje za Američane, ki so se zanimali za razmere v Jugoslaviji. Avtorja sta povzela nekaj značilnih recenzij, ki so bile ob izidu knjige objavljene v vodilnih ameriških časopisih in ki hvalijo tako jezik kot tudi vsebino knjige. Predstavila sta pozitivne in negativne odzive, pri čemer slednji Adamičevi knjigi niso škodili, temveč so prispevali k njeni še večji prepoznavnosti. The article presents a description of the reactions to Adamic’s book The Native’s Return in the American newspapers. The book was published in February 1934 in many copies; several reprints followed. The book is the result of Adamic’s visit to Yugoslavia as a Guggenheim Fellow in 1932 and 1933. After the assassination of the Yugoslav King Aleksandar on October 9, 1934, the book was a must-read for Americans interested in the situation in the then Yugoslavia. The authors outlined some positive reviews, which were published in leading American newspapers and magazines. They recommended the book to the readers for its good English, as well as content. In addition to the positive reviews, the authors also described some negative reactions which did not harm Adamic’s book, but promoted it further.Publication English gerund-participial clauses and their Macedonian equivalents(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15) Gj. Atanasovska, Katarina; Cvetkoski, VladimirGlagolniško-deležniške konstrukcije v angleščini imajo širok spekter uporabe in funkcij. So strukturno raznolike in se pojavljajo v različnih kontekstih, kar vodi do pomenskih variacij. Prispevek se s formalnega in funkcijskega vidika osredotoča na neosebne glagolniško-deležniške stavke v angleščini. Primerjalna analiza angleških in makedonskih primerov upošteva tudi makedonske prevodne ustreznike. Cilj raziskovanja je narediti vzporednico med jezikoma glede neosebnih glagolniško-deležniških stavkov in ponuditi vpogled v podobnosti ter razlike med jezikoma. Rezultati kažejo, da so angleške glagolniško- deležniške konstrukcije v makedonskem jeziku izražene na več različnih načinov. V večini primerov makedonski ustrezniki vključujejo deležja (oblika glagola -јќи), kombinacije samostalnikov in predlogov ter različne osebne in neosebne strukture. Gerund-participle constructions in English are used widely and have different functions. They are structurally varied, and they appear in diverse contexts. This paper deals with English non-finite gerund-participle clauses from a formal and functional point of view. The contrastive analysis of English and Macedonian examples examines their Macedonian translation equivalents as well. The aim of the paper is to draw a parallel between the two languages with regard to non-finite gerund-participle clauses, and to offer some insights into the similarities and differences between the two languages. The findings show that English gerund-participle constructions are expressed in Macedonian in a rich variety of ways, such as: In most cases, Macedonian equivalents include verbal adverbs (the -јќи form of the verb), noun and preposition combinations, as well as various finite and non-finite structures.Publication Metaphorical collocations - on the problem of their theoretical definition and empirical research(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-20) Keglević Blažević, AnaPrispevek podaja teoretični pregled podkategorije metaforičnih kolokacij in različnih pristopov njihovega empiričnega raziskovanja. Kolokacije so bile doslej preučevane z različnih zornih kotov, kljub temu pa še vedno ni enotne teoretske opredelitve tega leksikalnega pojava. Ne glede na različnost njegovega razumevanja opazimo, da nekatere kolokacije kažejo spremembo pomena posameznih sestavin, kar sicer ni osnovna lastnost kolokacij. Gre za podkategorijo metaforičnih kolokacij. Kolokator kot sestavina metaforične kolokacije izkazuje več kot en pomen, je večpomenski. Metaforične kolokacije so sicer upoštevane v različnih znanih tipologijah in klasifikacijah, vendar so bile doslej le obrobno obravnavane in so zato še neustrezno raziskane. The present paper gives a theoretical overview of the subcategory of metaphorical collocations and their different research approaches. Collocations have been examined from different perspectives. Despite that fact, there has still not been a unanimously accepted definition of the term coined. Regardless of the different approaches, it can be observed that some collocations show a kind of change in meaning. These are referred to as metaphorical collocations and are understood as a subcategory. The collocate of the metaphorical collocation has more than one meaning, and is, therefore, polysemous. Metaphorical collocations are taken into account in different typologies and classifications, but, so far, there have only been a few studies that deal with this subcategory. These collocations thus represent a phenomenon that has not yet been researched adequately.Publication Conceptualization of love in Russian, Macedonian, and Slovak language(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022-04-15) Nikolovski, Gjoko; Mirchevska-Bosheva, BiljanaV fokusu prispevka je konceptualizacija ljubezni v ruskem, makedonskem in slovenskem jeziku skozi prizmo kognitivne teorije metafore. S tem ciljem je iz vseh treh jezikov analizirano gradivo, ki pomeni globoko in intimno čustvo ter močno naklonjenost do druge osebe. Izhodišče je gradivo v ruskem jeziku, za katerega iščemo vzporednice v makedonskem in slovenskem jeziku. Zbrano gradivo je razvrščeno po petnajstih metaforah, ki predstavljajo različne aspekte kompleksnega fenomena, z namenom, da bi ugotovili razlikem in podobnosti v konceptualizaciji ljubezni v vseh treh jezikih. Izhodiščna hipoteza članka je, da se tovrstna konceptualizacija ljubezni lahko realizira s pomočjo frazeološkega in nefrazeološkega gradiva, s čimer se podaja širši pogled na definicijo ljubezni kot čustvenega fenomena v ruskem, makedonskem in slovenskem jeziku. The focus of the paper is the conceptualisation of love in Russian, Macedonian and Slovene through the prism of the cognitive theory of metaphor. To this end, material is being analysed that signifies deep and intimate emotion and strong affection for the other person. The starting point is the Russian material, for which we are looking for parallels in Macedonian and Slovenian. The collected material is arranged according to 15 metaphors representing different aspects of this complex phenomenon, in order to identify the differences and similarities in the conceptualisation of love in all three languages. The initial hypothesis of the article is that such a conceptualisation of love can be realised with the help of phraseological and non-phraseological material, which gives a broader view of the definition of love as an emotional phenomenon in Russian, Macedonian and Slovenian.