“What is the best language for Eastern Europe?” Lingua receptiva as a new approach in Slavic intercommunication research
Steciąg, Magdalena
Steciąg, Magdalena
Namen prispevka je obravnavati pojem lingua receptiva kot nov pristop v slovanskih
študijah medsebojnega komuniciranja, ki omogoča analizo medjezikovnih
stikov z drugačne perspektive in ki presega tradicionalne strukturalistične ali glotodidaktične
pristope. Večina raziskav o lingua receptivi je bila doslej izvedena v
povezavi s skandinavskimi in z romanskimi jeziki. Obstajajo pa tudi primeri prvih
raziskav, vezanih na slovanske jezike – prispevek predstavlja pregled njihovih
temeljnih rezultatov, ob tem pa tudi konceptov, ki so se v njih razvili.
The aim of the paper1 is to consider the notion of lingua receptiva as a new approach
in Slavic intercommunication studies which allows to analyze interlingual
contacts from a different perspective, going beyond the traditional structuralist
or glottodidactic approaches. So far, most research on lingua receptiva has
been conducted in relation to Scandinavian and Romance languages. There are,
however, examples of initial research done on Slavic languages. This paper will
present an overview of the main results of these studies, along with concepts
developed in them.
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University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
lingua receptiva,, inclusive multilingualism,, Slavic languages,, Eastern Europe, lingua receptiva,, vključujoča večjezičnost,, slovanski jeziki,, vzhodna Evropa