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Publication Pri mojih durih čaka smrt. Osupljiva privlačnost niča. Dekadentne tendence v poeziji Vide Jeraj(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Doležal, Alenka JensterleV razpravi1 se tematizirajo dekadentne tendence v poeziji in življenju prve slovenske pesnice intime Vide Jeraj (Franice Vovk, 1875–1932). Lirična pesnica je bila vitalni element slovenske moderne tako na Bledu (Zasipu) kot na Dunaju. Začela je pisati v kontekstu sprememb v srednjeevropskih kulturah, ki so se zaključile na koncu prve svetovne vojne z razpadom skupne države. Pripadala je generaciji kozmopolitskih avtoric, ki se je uveljavila v obdobju fin-de-siècla v slovenski kulturi, v tem času na periferiji avstro-ogrskega imperija. V njenem literarnem opusu nas zanimajo pesmi o smrti. The topics of the article are the decadent tendencies in the poetry and life of the first Slovenian female lyricist Vida Jeraj (Franica Vovk, 1875–1932) who was a vital part of the Slovenian modernist network (“Slovenian moderna”) in Bled (Zasip) and Vienna. She began to write in the context of transformation in Central European cultures which ended with the collapse of the former joint State. Jeraj belonged to the generation of young cosmopolitan women writers who broke through in in the Fin-de-Siècle period in Slovene society, at that time the periphery of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In her literary work we analyse poems expressing motives of death.Publication Projekt Slovenščina na dlani(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Belšak, SilvaPublication Razstava o Ivanu Cankarju Romal sem po široki cesti(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Steger, Jožica Čeh; Pulko, Simona; Jontes, Melita ZemljakPublication Unfailure in Ukrainian football Internet discourse(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Максимчук, ВіталійČlanek se osredinja na analizo novih prevzetih besed v sodobnem ukrajinskem nogometnem spletnem diskurzu. Avtor z različnih vidikov, kot so leksikografski, kronološki, funkcijski in semantični, predstavi španske, italijanske, angleške, nemške in druge nove prevzete besede. Opaža, da so španske in italijanske inovacije nacionalni identifikatorji, občasno pa razvijejo tudi posplošeno semantiko. Angleške inovacije poimenujejo vloge nogometašev na igrišču, vrste udarcev z žogo, časovna obdobja ipd. Nove prevzete besede so v ukrajinskem nogometnem spletnem diskurzu v konkurenčnem odnosu na slovnični, pravopisni in grafični ravni, prevladajo pa tiste novosti, ki niso v nasprotju z obstoječim jezikovnim standardom. Ne glede na to leksikalne dvojnice soobstajajo in širijo sinonimijo ukrajinskega jezika. The paper focuses on the analysis of the new borrowed words in modern Ukrainian football Internet discourse. Using different criteria such as lexicographic, chronological, functional and semantic, the author describes Spanish, Italian, English, German and other new borrowed words. Spanish and Italian innovations are the national identifiers, but sometimes they gain generalized semantics. English new borrowed words name the functions of football players in the field, types of ball kicks, time periods, etc. In Ukrainian football Internet discourse new borrowed words compete on grammar, orthographic and graphic levels, but those innovations that do not contradict current linguistic standards prevail. However, lexical competitors peacefully coexist, expanding synonymous rows of the Ukrainian language.Publication Spodbujanje družinskega branja v otrokovem predšolskem obdobju: Predšolska bralna značka(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Haramija, DragicaV prispevku1 s e o sredinjamo n a r azvijanje d ružinskega b ranja, k i je e den o d temeljev Predšolske bralne značke (PBZ). S pomočjo ankete smo zbrali rezultate o vključenosti otrok v PBZ in opise drugih dejavnosti, ki spodbujajo družinsko branje. Zanimalo nas je tudi delo mentorjev branja, predvsem načini izbiranja priporočenih gradiv za branje v krogu družine in metode preverjanja prebranega. V sklepnem delu so podane smernice za pripravo kakovostnih bralnih seznamov, ki so lahko v pomoč staršem in otrokom pri izboru bralnih gradiv. Spodbujanje družinskega branja je tudi eden od ciljev predloga Nacionalne strategije za razvoj bralne pismenosti (2017), ki skrbno presoja tudi specifične cilje in ravni pismenosti od otrok v predšolskem obdobju do odraslih. The paper focuses on the development of family literacy (family reading), which is one of the foundations of the Pre-school Reading Badge (Predšolska bralna značka, PBZ). With the help of the survey, we obtained relevant information on the involvement of children in PBZ and descriptions of certain other activities that promote family reading. We were also interested in the work of reading mentors, especially in the ways of choosing the recommended materials for reading in the family and in the methods of verifying the material read. The concluding part of the paper provides guidelines for the preparation of quality reading lists with the goal of helping parents and children to select proper reading materials. Promoting family reading is one of the objectives of the National Strategy for the Development of Reading Literacy (2017), which carefully assesses the specific goals and levels of literacy from children in pre-school age to adults.Publication Ob sedemdesetletnici dopisnega člana Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti dr. Ludvika Karničarja(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Orožen, MartinaPublication Kulturistike – kulturološka branja beletristike(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Mlačnik, PrimožČlanek obravnava filozofsko-teoretske tokove, ki so prispevali h kulturološkemu obratu v literarni vedi v devetdesetih letih dvajsetega stoletja. V okviru trodelne raziskovalne sheme (kontekst/avtor, tekst/literarno delo, občinstvo/bralec), ki je skupna kulturološkim in sodobnim literarnoteoretskim branjem literature, analitično reflektiramo dela nekaterih ključnih avtorjev s področja poststrukturalizma, Frankfurtske šole kritične teorije, teorij ideologije in recepcijskih študij. Na ta način avtor predstavi načine, na katere so filozofsko-teoretski tokovi spremenili in nadgradili tradicionalno literarnoteoretsko pojmovanje spoznavne, etične in estetske razsežnosti literarnega dela. V zaključku so predstavljena njihova stičišča, razhajanja in omejitve. The article draws on the philosophical-theoretical currents that contributed to culturological shifts in literary science during the last decade of the twentieth century. The work of key authors from the field of post-structuralism, the Frankfurt school of critical theory, and theories of ideology and reception studies is analytically reflected on the level of the tripartite research scheme (context/author, text/literary work, audience/reader) common to culturological and contemporary literary-theoretical readings of literature. In this way, we reveal how philosophical- theoretical currents have transformed and enhanced the traditional literarytheoretical conception of the cognitive, ethical and aesthetic dimensions of the literary work. In the conclusion, crossroads, divergences, and limitations in these methods are also presented.Publication Projekt Etymologického slovníku české a slovenské vinohradnické a vinařské terminologie(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Komárková, Jana VillnowV prispevku je predstavljen raziskovalni projekt Jezik tradicionalnega vinogradništva in vinarstva v srednjeevropskem prostoru: etimologija in arealno jezikoslovje ter njegov temeljni rezultat, tj. elektronski Etimološki slovar češke in slovaške vinogradniške ter vinarske terminologije. Gre za slovar manjšega obsega, v katerem je predstavljena etimologija in zgodovinski razvoj zbranih čeških (in primerjalno tudi slovaških) vinogradniških ter vinarskih terminov. Analiza čeških in slovaških besed je vključena v širši geografski okvir t. i. srednjeevropskega vinarskega prostora, zato so zajeti tudi ustrezni terminološki sistemi v nemščini (ali avstrijski nemščini), madžarščini, slovenščini, hrvaščini in poljščini. This paper presents the research project The language of traditional viticulture and viniculture in the Central European area: etymology and areal linguistics as well as its main result – the electronic Etymological dictionary of the Czech and Slovak viticultural and vinicultural terminology. This is a small-scale dictionary, in which the collected Czech (and comparatively also Slovak) terms are etymologized and their development is described. The analysis of the Czech and Slovak words is implemented in a broader geographic context – the so-called Central European wine-growing area. The equivalent terminological systems of the neighbouring languages are researched – the German (respectively Austrian), Hungarian, Slovenian, Croatian and Polish.Publication “What is the best language for Eastern Europe?” Lingua receptiva as a new approach in Slavic intercommunication research(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Steciąg, MagdalenaNamen prispevka je obravnavati pojem lingua receptiva kot nov pristop v slovanskih študijah medsebojnega komuniciranja, ki omogoča analizo medjezikovnih stikov z drugačne perspektive in ki presega tradicionalne strukturalistične ali glotodidaktične pristope. Večina raziskav o lingua receptivi je bila doslej izvedena v povezavi s skandinavskimi in z romanskimi jeziki. Obstajajo pa tudi primeri prvih raziskav, vezanih na slovanske jezike – prispevek predstavlja pregled njihovih temeljnih rezultatov, ob tem pa tudi konceptov, ki so se v njih razvili. The aim of the paper1 is to consider the notion of lingua receptiva as a new approach in Slavic intercommunication studies which allows to analyze interlingual contacts from a different perspective, going beyond the traditional structuralist or glottodidactic approaches. So far, most research on lingua receptiva has been conducted in relation to Scandinavian and Romance languages. There are, however, examples of initial research done on Slavic languages. This paper will present an overview of the main results of these studies, along with concepts developed in them.Publication Konstrukcija ženskog identiteta u poeziji Tina Ujevića(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Tepavčević, MiodarkaNova prebiranja Ujevićevih besedil so omogočila analizo strukture jezikovnega diskurza o ženski in tudi analizo lingvističnih izrazov vrednostnih stališč o njej. V članku se avtorica posveti analizi ženske identitete, ki v kontekstu širšega diskurza osvetli številne podrobnosti Ujevićevih pogledov na ženske. S tem delom želimo izpostaviti pomembnost in vlogo ženske v njegovi poeziji in odstreti še en del njegove zapuščine. Od njegovih zgodnjih pesniških zbirk in rim do bolečih verzov in zrelih od so Ujevićeva dela prežeta z vilami in drugimi mitološkimi boginjami, ljubljenimi in nedosanjanimi ženskami, ki s svojo močjo vseprisotnosti skupaj ustvarijo glas ženske. Definiranje tega harmoničnega zvoka številnih žensk se kaže kot neobhodni del naracije in nosilec sporočila poezije. New readings of Ujević’s texts have made it possible to analyse the structure of the linguistic discourse about women as well as the linguistic expressions of value-based attitudes toward them. In the paper, the author deals with an analysis of female identity, which in the context of the wider discourse illuminates many details of his views towards women. With this work we would like to point out the significance and role of women in Ujević’s poetry and reveal another segment of his poetic legacy. From his earliest poetry collections and initial rhymes, to the painful verses and mature odes, Ujević’s poems are full of numerous fairies, mythological goddesses, women who were loved and those with unfulfilled dreams, who through the power of omnipresence together constitute the voice of one woman. The defining of this harmonic voice of many women appears as an indispensable part of the narrative and the carrier of the poetic message.Publication Ivan Cankar v medkulturnem prostoru. Ob stoti obletnici Cankarjeve smrti(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-01) Belšak, SilvaPublication Zinka Zorko(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) slovesa, Besede; Orožen, MartinaPublication Peter Grzybek - In Memoriam(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02) Mieder, WolfgangPublication Postcolonial identity in Yurii Andrukhovych’s poetry: landscapes and dislocation(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-07) Borysiuk, IrynaPostokolonialna teorija obravnava veliko pomembnih tematik, vprašanje identitete pa je ob dihotomiji moči/znanja in ob narativnih strategijah reprezentacije ključno. Analiza literarnega besedila omogoča prepoznavanje ideoloških sprememb v javnem diskurzu in posameznikovi zavesti, ki temelji na subjektovem jezikovnem vedenju. Postkolonialni pristop omogoča analizo izgradnje identitete in transformacije ter presečišče med govorečim subjektom in njegovimi različnimi identitetami. V tem kontekstu se poezija Jurija Andruhoviča izkaže kot zanimiv predmet obravnave. Oblikovanje subjekta in transformacijske strategije je mogoče preveriti s pomočjo ključnega koncepta pokrajine in dislokacije. Transformacija je prisotna v kontekstu generacijske paradigme. Poezija temelji na generaciji iz osemdesetih let 20. stoletja in ponuja tematsko razširitev na poezijo generacije iz devetdesetih let, usmerjena pa je v podvajanje in širjenje tematskih vsebin. Postcolonial theory deals with many important issues and the question of identity is a key one along with the power / knowledge dichotomy and the narrative strategies of representation. The analysis of literary text allows to identify ideological transformations in public discourse and individual consciousness which is based on subject’s linguistic behavior. The postcolonial approach allows to analyze identity construction and transformation as well as the intersection between the speaking subject and its different identities. In this context, the poetry of Yurii Andrukhovych is an interesting object for reflection. Subject construction and transformation strategies can be examined through the landscape and dislocation key concept. This transformation is vivid in the context of generational paradigm. Based on the transition from the 1980s generation, this poetry provides subject expansion to the 1990s generation poetry, and is oriented towards the doubling and multiplying of subject.Publication slavia centralis 2(University of Maribor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2019-02)V razpravi1 se tematizirajo dekadentne tendence v poeziji in življenju prve slovenske pesnice intime Vide Jeraj (Franice Vovk, 1875–1932). Lirična pesnica je bila vitalni element slovenske moderne tako na Bledu (Zasipu) kot na Dunaju. Začela je pisati v kontekstu sprememb v srednjeevropskih kulturah, ki so se zaključile na koncu prve svetovne vojne z razpadom skupne države. Pripadala je generaciji kozmopolitskih avtoric, ki se je uveljavila v obdobju fin-de-siècla v slovenski kulturi, v tem času na periferiji avstro-ogrskega imperija. V njenem literarnem opusu nas zanimajo pesmi o smrti. The topics of the article are the decadent tendencies in the poetry and life of the first Slovenian female lyricist Vida Jeraj (Franica Vovk, 1875–1932) who was a vital part of the Slovenian modernist network (“Slovenian moderna”) in Bled (Zasip) and Vienna. She began to write in the context of transformation in Central European cultures which ended with the collapse of the former joint State. Jeraj belonged to the generation of young cosmopolitan women writers who broke through in in the Fin-de-Siècle period in Slovene society, at that time the periphery of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In her literary work we analyse poems expressing motives of death.