Gallup Indian Medical Center Grand Rounds
National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region
National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region
As the largest Indian Health Service hospital in New Mexico serving the largest land-based tribe in the country, a partnership between the Gallup Indian Medical Center (GIMC) and the Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center (HSLIC) is a natural. In assisting GIMC with the Grand Rounds project, HSLIC will be helping providers in a medically-underserved region. In turn GIMC can be a source of information on native health issues and disparities.
The library will be facilitating the Grand Rounds series by allowing for the purchase of a new laptop for the presentations and training for the provider staff in finding health information. Evaluation of the training will be done using the library’s instructional evaluation form. Future activities could include support for education and information support.
TC4C Community-Based Partnerships Project funded by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental Region for the period of June 1, 2010 – April 30, 2011. Proposal submitted by Gary J. Vaughn MD, Principal Investigator, from Gallup Indian Medical Center.