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Publication 2015-2016 Richfield Public Library K-12 Youth Mental Health Outreach (Library Partnership with Sevier County School District)(2015-08-14) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionSince January 2015, Richfield Public Library has partnered with the six-county Prevention Coalition, including Sevier County School District (Gail Albrecht), Central Utah Counseling Center (Sharon Lopez), Central Utah Health Department (Sue Hildebrand), the Indian Dormitories (Cody Workman), the Central Utah Youth Corrections (John Roberts) to support efforts to reduce drug abuse, domestic and dating violence, and suicide rates in our area. The Library recently received a grant from NIFI (National Issues Forum Institute) to support purchase print and media materials to help engage the public in dialogues on reducing the stigma of mental Illness and enhancing personal resiliency among youth. Outreach programs to Central Utah Youth Corrections (Juvenile Detention) and to selected schools in Sevier County have been ongoing for more than four months, and will be continued and expanded. Library Director Blythe Ogilvie has made use of many of the NLM resources in planning outreach programs including materials on youth mental health, suicide prevention, and helping teens with substance abuse and depression. In addition, the Library has purchased journal articles through NLM to support the school district's prevention efforts. The $1500 grant will be used to purchase a portable LCD projector and screen, in order to provide additional outreach to larger youth and community audiences. Instead of gathering a group around one computer or a laptop, we will be able to take the projector and screen into the dormitories and CUYC for programs. We also plan to provide outdoor programs for youth during the summer reading initiative (which reaches K-8 youth from the Sevier County Schools), using NLM resources and programming ideas. The portable projector and screen will enable us to have a greater impact and reach a wider audience with exciting media available both through NLM and other sources.Publication 2015-2016 Red Feather Lakes K-12 Having Fun with Health(2015-08-14) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe Red Feather Lakes Elementary School and the Red Feather Lakes Library collaborate to conduct an after school program for Kindergarten - 5th grade. My proposed project is to present fun classes on health such as the importance of cleaning your teeth and how the circulatory system works. There will be at least three classes covering topics of health, healthy behaviors, and body function. The classes will incorporate play to make learning fun, engaging, and memorable.Publication 2015-2016 Oakwood Elementary K-12 Community Health Program(2015-08-14) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionWe will have a computer monitor in the busiest area of our school, the entryway, with a slideshow containing different health focuses. The theme will be changed monthly and vary in health subject matter. Some of the subjects will focus on Nutrition, Diabetes, Social, Emotional and Physical Health, Exercise, Genetics, Hygiene, Environmental, Personal and Physical Safety, Growth and Development, Stress Management, Social Skills and other subjects from the K-6 Health Curriculum. The monitor will be interactive so that involvement between the community and school is encouraged. There will be questions that students, teachers and the community can answer and then their returned papers will be entered into a monthly drawing for prizes such as jump-ropes, skateboards, frisbees, hula-hoops, balls, jump house and Jamba Juice gift cards and other various things that encourage movement and/or a healthy lifestyle. All of this will be optional, but there will be a lot of participation because of the location of the monitor and the interesting subject matters and extrinsic as well and intrinsic rewards.Publication 2015-2016 National Jewish Health K-12 Literacy for Life: Teaming Up for Healthy Kids and Communities Funding Information(2015-08-14) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe proposed new project is a summer school health literacy and community outreach project collaboration between Library & Knowledge Services at National Jewish Health (NJH) and Morgridge Academy, a free Colorado Department of Education approved school, located on the NJH campus, which serves children who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness. Using the case made in the National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy (1) this project aims to address the impact of limited health literacy, which disproportionately affects lower socioeconomic and minority groups. Minorities and low-income populations suffer higher incidences of asthma, emergency department visits and death due to asthma (2). These demographics represent a majority of students at Morgridge Academy. The aims of this project are to support lifelong health literacy skills for children who suffer chronic conditions; and increase the students’ community engagement in health-related issues.Publication 2015-2016 Longmont High School K-12 Health and Wellness Public Service Announcements(2015-08-14) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe Medical and BioScience Academy (MBSA) of Longmont High School is designed for students interested in careers or post-secondary education rooted in the health sciences. One of the elective classes is Nutrition and Wellness. The students in this class will create public service announcements for the LHS community. Some will be aired on our morning announcements while others will be shared with health teachers to play when relevant to the curriculum. They will also host a wellness fair with some hands on activities related to their topic in the library at lunch. Some of the topics will include: type 2 diabetes, vaccinations, proper sleep and eating habits, smoking, texting and driving and the reasons to limit screen time. In addition to our online databases, students will use medlineplus to gather information related to their topic.Publication 2015-2016 AT Still Memorial Library K-12 Connecting Kids and Health Information via Community Partnerships(2015-08-14) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThis project focuses on developing and strengthening key partnerships to benefit community access to health information. Margaret Hoogland, of A.T. Still Memorial Library at A.T. Still University of Health Sciences (ATSU) will collaborate with Melissa Kinney, librarian and instructor at William Mathew Middle School (WMMS) in Kirksville, Missouri, and NEMO Heart Health Corporation (NHH) – a volunteer community health organization. Partners will pilot a program during the 2015-2016 academic year instructing students on the basics of evaluating and using online health information. The NHH website ( will be updated to include targeted health and science resources from the National Libraries of Medicine and used as an instructive tool for students. Providing access to quality health information supports healthier lifestyles and encourages habits and skills that students can share with family and peers. Instilling these values at a young age can positively influence the outlook of students before they enter the teen years. Further, providing credible, user-friendly, and up-to-date content on the NHH website promotes NHH’s mission to encourage heart-healthy living throughout Kirksville and surrounding rural counties. If successful, this pilot program could become part of future NHH programming via expansion into other nearby schools.Publication 2014-2015 K-12 Kearns Library and Farnsworth Elementary Health Literacy Project(2015-08-13) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionObjectives: 1. Increase parent and student awareness of health information resources 2. Demonstrate to students and parents methods of evaluating the accuracy and reliability of health information. 3. Support the health and science curriculum of Farnsworth Elementary Description: Kearns Public Library and Farnsworth Elementary, a nearby public elementary school, will partner to provide information and training to students and parents on health information literacy. Stacy Vincent from the Kearns library, in cooperation with the Farnsworth Elementary school nurse and staff, will supply monthly slides to Farnsworth Elementary that will be displayed in the entrance of the school on a flat screen. The slides will highlight various health information resources, such as MedlinePlus and ToxTown, and will also demonstrate principles of health information literacy and evaluating health information resources. Ms. Vincent will also attend 1-2 events at the school to speak in-person with parents, students, and teachers, about health information resources and literacy.Publication 2014-2015 Olympus Jr High K-12 Visualizing the Human Body to Empower Better Health Choices(2015-08-13) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionObjectives: 1.Create an engaging collection of 3D Human body models to enhance the health sciences curriculum 2. Instruct students on the use of available health and science databases and resources for research 3. Empower students to make better health choices based on their bodies and research Junior high students have a difficult time visualizing the insides of the human body. They also have a hard time visualizing the effects of their choices. 3D models provide an engaging way to show them exactly what is inside of them. Together, the school librarian, health sciences teacher, and the Salt Lake County Library System will provide access to resources that will help them to better understand their bodies, choices, and health sciences. They will use the money to buy models of various internal aspects of the human body. Students will understand how their choices affect what happens to their bodies as a result of their choices. The public library will provide further education on related research projects using their collection of health and wellness databases and resources, including MedlinePlus. The school librarian will co-teach this lesson with the health sciences teacher and the public librarian.Publication Patient Education in Navajo Country(2010-06-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionBy providing better educational information to women, it is estimated that this project will help the 584 patients and 1900 patients currently dealing with the effects of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, respectively, in the UNHS service area. This will be accomplished by providing educational material in audio format (CD) which will be given to each patient. This information will be translated from English to Navajo for those patients that do not speak English or are more comfortable receiving health care information in Navajo.Publication Hardrock Family Walking Club(2010-06-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionWe would like to present the “Hardrock Family Walking Club” for funding consideration from TC4C Community-Based Partnership Project for the amount of $10,000.00. The walking program will begin July 7, 2008 and end September 14, 2008. Participants will be encouraged to walk 1-mile per day and a community walking day will be scheduled bi-weekly in different parts of the community. Each site’s activities will include a presentation of Native food prepared by the host, a 1-mile/2 mile walk or run, and a 20 minute reading of the book, “You, on a diet” by Dr. Oz. Following each session we would like to have a discussion among the group on the activities and readings that were presented for the day. Finally, we will be using Global Positioning Systems (GPS), as a scavenger hunt tool to create support systems through cooperative games. The program will be free of charge and open to anyone from birth to the elderly.Publication Gallup Indian Medical Center Grand Rounds(2010-06-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionAs the largest Indian Health Service hospital in New Mexico serving the largest land-based tribe in the country, a partnership between the Gallup Indian Medical Center (GIMC) and the Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center (HSLIC) is a natural. In assisting GIMC with the Grand Rounds project, HSLIC will be helping providers in a medically-underserved region. In turn GIMC can be a source of information on native health issues and disparities. The library will be facilitating the Grand Rounds series by allowing for the purchase of a new laptop for the presentations and training for the provider staff in finding health information. Evaluation of the training will be done using the library’s instructional evaluation form. Future activities could include support for education and information support.Publication Development of an Open Source Research Process Assistance Template that Supports CTSA and Research Initiatives(2010-06-18) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionAn open source, locally customizable research process template, MyRA, will be developed to outline the steps of research, and provide tools, needed forms, experts, resources and concepts that support each step. This tool will be built so that other institutions can easily plug local information into the template to provide the same central assistance to their institutions. Development and promotion of the online research support template should be achievable within 8 months, starting June 15, 2010. Researchers will have a one-stop-shop approach to understanding and identifying what research-related resources are at their disposal, what expertise is available to discuss their research, and what procedures need to be followed in order to meet research requirements. As the template is developed, it will be vetted through the MyRA Planning Team, the other two MCR CTSA institutions, and refinements will be made based on feedback received. The MyRA template will be shared via presentations at professional meetings and through a professional publication. Uptake by others of the MyRA template will be assessed through feedback from the national CTSA award institutions, NN/LM, MCR regional medical libraries and AAHSL association members.Publication Development and Marketing of an Online Community-Building Resource for Information Professionals Interested in Library-based CTSA Initiatives - University of Colorado(2010-05-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe University of Colorado Health Sciences Library (UCHSL) will develop and market an online resource intended to foster collaboration, idea-sharing, role investigation and networking among information workers with an interest in Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSAs). This project links to the CTSA goals of: improving the conduct of biomedical research; engaging communities in clinical research; and training the next generation of clinical and translational investigators.Publication Using the “Information Rx” Process to Refer Adults and Parents of Children with Metabolic Conditions to the Genetics Home Reference Web Site for Health Information(2007-10-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe focus of this evaluation is the Health Information Rx Program for Newborn Screening and Related Genetic Disorders. This program encourages physicians to direct the parents of newborns with metabolic conditions identified by screening to the Genetics Home Reference (GHR) Web site ( The project involves a pilot project and feasibility study to: a) intervene and provide an information prescription to all parents of Utah newborns who are screened and receive a positive diagnosis of a metabolic condition, b) intervene to urge affected parents to use Genetics Home Reference in order to learn more about their child’s metabolic condition; c) evaluate the impact of both interventions and, d) determine if the pilot is a possible prelude to a regional or national expansion of the proposed interventions.Publication Spanish Peaks Library Health & Wellness Initiative(2009-04-15) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe Spanish Peaks Library in conjunction with the Las Animas-Huerfano Counties District Health Department (LAHCDHD) will implement a health & wellness initiative program for the citizens of Huerfano County. This program will include a health station at the library, which will help citizens of Huerfano County, facilitate access to healthcare related issues. With this access, our community can become better educated about their own health and well being. The use of media will be implemented by including healthcare books, magazines, educational videos, and posters. These materials will be available for use, and a new topic will be displayed monthly. Through these materials being available for public use, the community of Huerfano County will be empowered to take charge of their health and to be more attentive at healthcare visits and ask questions. Most importantly, it will enable the population to have a better understanding of their individual disease processes and treatment, so they can live a longer, healthier life and contribute to this community.Publication Together Prepared - Lawrence Public Library(2009-04-15) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe purpose of this project is to provide improved access to disaster and emergency information for residents of Douglas County, Kansas, with a particular emphasis on assuring that vulnerable populations are served. Project objectives will be accomplished by enhancing the role of the Lawrence Public Library as an information center for the public during an emergency and an outreach center for information related to disasters preceding them. To do this, the Lawrence Public Library will partner with the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department, Douglas County Emergency Management, the University of Kansas Research and Training Center on Independent Living, and the community working group Together Prepared.Publication St. Luke’s Hospital Library Advocacy(2010-02-15) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe project will focus on the information needs of physicians, researchers, nurses, nurse educators, nursing students and other clinical personnel such as nutritionists, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, etc. at Saint Luke’s Health System. The method of inquiry will be surveys (print, electronic, and telephone) and focus groups of key user groups. In the initial phase of the project we anticipate that the survey will garner information about the information needs and habits of our current and potential users. The survey will raise awareness about the library throughout the health system.Publication Información de Salud para Promotoras - Dykes Library at the University of Kansas(2010-02-15) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionEl Centro, Inc., a community based organization in Kansas City, KS with a mission to create and sustain opportunities that empower families, has recently begun a Promotoras program. Approximately 30 lay-health advisors attend regular training sessions then take what they’ve learned out to their communities; they act as a point of contact in the community for health information and resources. Most of the Promotoras do not speak fluent English and have low computer and health literacy skills. In an effort to change this, the Community Health Librarian at Dykes Library will coordinate a series of trainings with the Promotoras project, working closely with El Centro, Inc. and the Kansas City, Kansas Public Library (KCKPL). A Spanish-speaking librarian from KCKPL will work with the Community Health Librarian to create a curriculum to teach computer literacy skills to the Promotoras. Once they are more comfortable with technology, they will move on to locating health information in Spanish through a variety of web sites. In addition to the trainings, six laptops will be purchased that will be available to the Promotoras at El Centro. They can take these to their peers’ homes for use with one-on-one consultations or in small group training sessions. As a result, the Promotoras will become advocates for access to health information and resources in their community.Publication Grillo Senior Center Outreach Project - Grillo Health Information Center/Boulder Public Library(2009-04-15) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionThe purpose of the Project is to increase health information literacy as a new service to the Boulder West Senior Center. This project will enhance access to health information for consumers with low health literacy. The Grillo Health Information Center of the Boulder Public Library will partner with the City of Boulder West Senior Center to provide on-site health information resources to the targeted population of seniors who patronize the Senior Center. A Grillo Center trained volunteer will be stationed, at least one day per week, with a laptop computer, at the West Senior Center location to assist seniors with finding reliable on-line health information. In addition, Grillo Center staff will conduct educational activities, including question-and-answer sessions and one-on-one interviews at the West Senior Center Project Site to increase awareness, motivation, knowledge, and use of health information resources. Project staff will also conduct at least one training session for Senior Center staff to assure continuation of information access support when Grillo Center staff are not present.Publication A Bridge to Health Literacy for Denver - Denver Public Library(2010-03-01) National Network of Libraries of Medicine - MidContinental RegionHealth information is recognized as one of the most vital community needs. The Library is well positioned to begin addressing the challenges to the continuity of its health information resources and services: • Lack of standardized expectations for librarians and educational program assistants who are charged with providing these services • The limited number of staff capable of providing health information training and outreach • The Library’s limited ability to draw those who need the training into the classes The “Bridge to Health Literacy” project is designed to address these challenges through: • Development and implementation of a core curriculum for Library staff who are providing health information to the public • raining of a cadré of staff capable of providing effective health information reference, training and outreach • Development of a hands-on training service that would use a suite of laptop computers to send specially trained staff into the community to introduce the public to quality electronic health information • Implementation of a health information outreach program for senior and low-income adults living in proximity to the Central Library and the Schlessman Branch Library • Exploration of ways to introduce this outreach and training to minority and non-English speaking populations residing near the Ford Warren and Montbello Branch Libraries
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