Justin Jenkins Oral History
Jenkins, Justin ; Stratton, Emily
Jenkins, Justin
Stratton, Emily
Oral history interview with Justin Jenkins conducted by Emily Stratton in Lawrence, Kansas, on June 6, 2013. Justin Jenkins is the founder and lead pastor of Velocity Church. Velocity Church is a recent non-denominational church-plant in Lawrence, Kansas. Questions discuss Justin’s background prior to Velocity, why he started Velocity (including how and why he chose to begin Velocity in Lawrence, Kansas, specifically), how the church began logistically (financial resources, marketing, name-selecting and branding), and how the church generally operates (what services are like, how teachings are decided upon, what kinds of social media are utilized). This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies.
Oral histories created by University of Kansas students, staff and faculty as part of the Religion in Kansas Project are archived at http://hdl.handle.net/1808/12524 in KU ScholarWorks, the digital repository of the University of Kansas.
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Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Velocity Church (Lawrence, Kan.), Church planting., Media, religion and culture., Ministries and outreach.