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Kansas is religiously a microcosm of the world. All of America’s largest religious families – Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Lutherans, and so on – are well represented, but so are a legion of less populous groups, including not only such familiar names as Jews and Amish and Muslims and Buddhists, but also Swedenborgians, Spiritualists, Theosophists, Pagans, Lawsonians, and Babsonians, to name only a few.
In the fall of 2009, Religious Studies professor Dr. Timothy Miller inaugurated a fieldwork course that sent University of Kansas students out across the state to interview dozens of members of a broad sample of religions. As of July 2015, the Religion in Kansas Project collection included interviews with over 100 Kansans representing a broad cross-section of faiths. This collection is housed by and made accessible through the Moore Reading Room, which is managed by the University of Kansas Department of Religious Studies, and through this website.
Moving forward, the Religion in Kansas Project seeks to expand its collecting scope to become a comprehensive clearinghouse for resources and information documenting the historical and contemporary role of religion in the lives of Kansans, in both the personal and the public spheres, with an emphasis on making resources available online. We hope to partner with libraries, archives, museums, religious communities, and individuals throughout the state to facilitate the digitization and preservation of resources that document the diversity of religious tradition and experience in Kansas. We welcome you to share your stories, photographs, videos, and other resources by uploading them through this website, or to contact us directly with questions or information.
Contact Us:
Patricia Cecil, Religion in Kansas Project Archivist
Phone: 785-864-4663
Recent Submissions
Publication Camille Eichorn Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-07-11) Eichorn, Camille; Cyr, ReneeOral history interview with Camille Eichorn conducted by Renee Cyr on July 11, 2019 at Wheatfields Bakery in Lawrence. Camille is currently a solitary practitioner, but has contacts in many local Pagan groups. Questions cover her personal beliefs, childhood experience, her individual practice, and the larger Pagan community. This interview was conducted as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by Friends of the Department of Religious Studies. Warning: contains strong language and political commentary.Publication Jim Mosher Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-07-21) Mosher, Jim; Cyr, ReneeAn oral history interview with Jim Mosher conducted by Renee Cyr on July 21, 2019 at the Topeka Shawnee Public Library. Jim is High Priest of Coven Ancora Imparo, a member of the Web of Oz, and a co-owner of Enchanted Willow a metaphysical shop in Topeka. Questions cover his personal religious beliefs, ritual practices, the operation of Coven Ancora Imparo, discrimination, and the Pagan community. This interview was conducted as part of a summer field internship funded by Friends of the Department of Religious Studies.Publication Jeannie Hazelwood Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-07-08) Hazelwood, Jeannie; Cyr, ReneeOral history interview with Jeannie Hazelwood conducted by Renee Cyr at the Topeka Public Library on July 8, 2019. Jeannie is a principal organizer for Pagans in the Park and is involved in many Pagan groups as well as Topeka Interfaith. Questions involve her personal beliefs, the Topeka Pagan community, Pagans in the Park, and rituals. This interview was conducted as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by Friends of the Department of Religious Studies.Publication Aldous Stormclamer Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-06-05) Stormcalmer, Aldous; Cyr, ReneeOral history interview with Aldous Stormcalmer conducted by Renee Cyr in Topeka, Kansas at Blackbird Cafe, on June 5, 2019. Aldous is Arch Priest and founder of Ancient Path Coven, with locations in Kansas and across the country. Questions discuss PIE religions, the structure and founding of the coven, beliefs, practices, and their relationship with the larger community. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship and is funded by Friends of the Department of Religious Studies.Publication Milton Nokes Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-07-07) Nokes, Milton; Cyr, ReneeOral history interview with Milton Nokes conducted by Renee Cyr in Topeka, Kansas, on July 7, 2019 at the Blackbird Cafe. Milton is one of the principal members on the planning team for Pagans in the Park. Questions discuss his personal beliefs, the Topeka Pagan community, and Pagans in the Park.the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by Friends of the Department of Religious Studies. Warning: contains some explicit language.Publication Nick Thomsen Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-06-16) Thomsen, Nick; Cyr, ReneeOral history interview with Nick Thomsen conducted by Renee Cyr in Lawrence, Kansas, on June 16, 2019 at the Lawrence Public Library. Nick is a member of Coven of the White Rose. Questions discuss Nick's personal beliefs and practices as well as the structure and activities of the Coven of the White Rose. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by Friends of the Department of Religious Studies. Warning contains some explicit language.Publication Warren Farha Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-06-28) Farha, Warren; Beebe, JacobOral history interview with Warren Farha conducted by Jacob Beebe in Wichita, Kansas, on June 28th, 2019. This interview featured Farha's bookstore, Eighth Day Bookstore, located at 2838 E. Douglas in Wichita, Kansas. Questions discuss Farha's faith, education, buisness choice,selection of store product, and involvement in St. George Orthodox Cathedral, as well as his involvement in the Eighth Day Institute, run from his bookstore. Additional questions asked Farha how he saw the business growing, and what the bookstore has offered to the greater spiritual and secular community. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies.Publication Fr. Paul O'Callaghan Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-06-06) O'Callaghan, Paul; Beebe, JacobOral history interview with Fr. Paul O'Callaghan conducted by Jacob Beebe in Wichita, Kansas, on June 28th, 2019. This interview focused on St. George Orthodox Cathedral on 7515 E 13th St N. in Wichita, KS. Question focused on Fr. Paul's education and professional background, the Cathedral's history and membership, and the Cathedral's work in the community. Additional questions revolve around the Cathedral's iconography, liturgy, and educational programs. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies.Publication Pr. Geoffery Boyle Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-07-08) Beebe, Jacob; Boyle, GeoffreyOral history interview with Pr. Boyle conducted by Jacob Beebe in Wichita, Kansas, on July 8th, 2019. This interview focused on Pr. Boyle's congregations, Grace Lutheran Church on 3310 E Pawnee St, and Trinity Lutheran Church on 611 S Erie St, both in Wichita, KS. Questions included Pr. Boyle's education, his professional history, his congregations, and his personal faith. Additional questions revolved around his membership in Eighth Day Institute, and his interaction with Eighth Day Books and St. George Orthodox Cathedral. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies.Publication Victoria Sherry Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-07-08) Sherry, Victoria; Beebe, JacobOral history interview with Victoria Sherry conducted by Jacob Beebe in Wichita, Kansas, on July 8th, 2019. This interview focused on Victoria's conversion from atheism to Methodism, then Methodism to Orthodoxy. Questions asked how her professional history in humanities organizations, her involvement in an Orthodox Museum in Topeka, Kansas, and existing and coming publications on Orthodoxy and the Lebanese community in Wichita, Kansas. Victoria shared her experience going through different faith traditions, her experience as a member of St. George Orthodox Cathedral, and her employment at Eighth Day Bookstore. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies.Publication Lindsay Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-02-10) LindsayOral history interview with Lindsay, conducted by Fares Elattar in Lawrence, Kansas, on February 10, 2019. Questions discussed were the demographics, location and practices of the Free State Church. Included are accounts of worship service, the problems included in the renting of a church space, and general issues surrounding a younger church group. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies. Transcription completed by Jacob Beebe.Publication Maaz Adnan Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-01-26) Maaz AdnanOral history interview with Mazz Adnan conducted by Fares Elattar in Lawrence, Kansas, on January 26, 2019. He joined the Islamic Center of Lawrence in 2015. Questions discussed were demographics, location, and practices of the Islamic Center of Lawrence. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies. Transcription completed by Renee CyrPublication Hammad Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-03-20) Hammad; Elattar, FaresOral history interview with Hammad conducted by Fares Elattar in Lawrence, Kansas, on March 20, 2019. Hammad is an active member of the Islamic Center of Johnson County. Questions discuss demographics, location and practices of the Islamic Center of Johnson County. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies. Transcriptions completed by Renee Cyr.Publication Ahmed Egzhazaly Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2019-03) Egzhazaly, Ahmed; Elattar, FaresOral history interview with Ahmed Egzhazaly, conducted by Fares Elattar in Lawrence, Kansas, in March 2019. Ahmed has been an active member of the Islamic Center of Johnson County since the second grade. Questions discuss demographics, location and practices of the Islamic Center of Johnson County. Also included were mentions of a recent masjid expansion, new children and youth events, and outreach programs. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of a summer fieldwork internship funded by the Friends of the Department of Religious Studies. Transcription completed by Jacob Beebe.Publication Ed Smith Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2018-11) Smith, Ed; Karstens, Nicki JoyOral history with Ed Smith conducted by Nicki Joy Karstens in Lawrence, Kansas in November 2018. This interview is conducted with Ed Smith, a member of the Osage Nation. Smith discusses the impacts of colonialism, including removal and the boarding school system, on Osage spiritual practices as well as current language and cultural revitalization movements in the Osage Nation. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of semester-long internship with the University of Kansas Department of Religious Studies.Publication Jimmy Beason Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2018-11) Beason II, Jimmy Lee; Karstens, Nicki JoyOral history with Jimmy Beason, II conducted by Nicki Joy Karstens in Lawrence, Kansas in November 2018. This interview is conducted with Jimmy Beason, a member of the Osage Nation. Beason discusses the impacts of colonialism, including removal and the boarding school system, on Osage spiritual practices. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of semester-long internship with the University of Kansas Department of Religious Studies.Publication Greta Valentine Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2018-10-08) Valentine, Greta; Smyth, LevOral history with Greta Valentine conducted by Lev Smyth in Lawrence, Kansas on October 8th, 2018. This interview is conducted with Greta Valentine, a parishioner of Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church, an OCA (Orthodox Church in America) Church in Lawrence, Kansas. Valentine discussed her conversion experiences in the midwest and what it’s like to both convert with a fairly large group of people who are also going through the same processes, and what it’s like to convert as a child. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of semester-long internship with the University of Kansas Department of Religious Studies.Publication Father Joshua Lollar Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2018-09-28) Lollar, Joshua; Smyth, LevOral history with Fr. Dr. Joshua Lollar conducted by Lev Smyth in Lawrence, Kansas on September 28th, 2018. This interview is conducted with Joshua Lollar, the priest of Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church, an OCA (Orthodox Church in America) Church in Lawrence, Kansas. Lollar discussed his conversion experiences in the midwest and beyond, how he navigated the landscape of converting, settling, and going to seminary, and his experiences as a priest and scholar. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of semester-long internship with the University of Kansas Department of Religious Studies.Publication Adam Lockridge Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2018-06-27) Lockridge, Adam; Smyth, LevOral history with Adam Lockridge conducted by Lev Smyth in Kansas City, Kansas on June 27th, 2018. This interview is conducted with Adam Lockridge, a parishioner of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, an OCA (Orthodox Church in America) Church in Overland Park, Kansas. Scott discusses the appeal of conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy and his own conversion experiences in the midwest. Adam also discusses the history of philosophy and scholarship inherent to the act of conversion. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of semester-long internship with the University of Kansas Department of Religious Studies.Publication Scott Dunkley Oral History(Religious Studies Department, University of Kansas, 2018-04-23) Dunkley, Scott; Smyth, LevOral history with Scott Dunkley, conducted by Lev Smyth in Kansas City, Kansas on April 23rd, 2018. This interview is conducted with Scott Dunkley, a parishioner of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, an OCA (Orthodox Church in America) Church in Overland Park, Kansas. Scott discusses the appeal of conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy, his own conversion experiences in the midwest, and the experience of living in a mixed-religious home. Scott touches very frequently on how being a convert has shaped his family life and the lives of his children. This interview also touches on the conversion experiences of immigrants. This interview was conducted for the Religion in Kansas Project as part of semester-long internship with the University of Kansas Department of Religious Studies.