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dc.contributor.authorBokal, Ljudmila
dc.identifier.citationSlovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 4
dc.description.abstractENGLISH: Proceeding from general points of departure concerning the understanding of linguistic change, the paper concentrates on semantic change and analyzes various language-internal and language-external viewpoints of its origin. It then goes into the definitions of new words as they are presented in various foreign and domestic lexicographical and linguistic handbooks and literature. Then an overview of the literature on new words in Slovene linguistics is given. Particular attention is paid to their treatment in Slovene dictionaries. This general theoretical treatment is augmented by a concrete analysis of the word-formational characteristics of new words from the viewpoint of the source of the parts of the morphemes. In derivation all combinations are possible: 1. a native base combines with a native formant (ustvarljiv ‘realizable’, častnica ‘officer (fem.)’) or a borrowed on (lučkar ‘lighting operator’, ognjiščar ‘member of the Focolare Movement’); 2. a borrowed base is combined with a borrowed formant (golfist ‘golfer’, surfist ‘surfer’); 3. a borrowed base combines with a native formant (babysitterka ‘babysitter (fem.)’, mafijec ‘Mafia member’). In another type of word-formation, prefixation, certain prefixes with certain word classes are particulary productive, e.g., the prefix do- with verbs (doformulirati ‘to complete the formulation of something’, dooblikovati ‘to complete the making/formation of something’) and po- with adjectives (posmučarski ‘après-ski’, pobolnišničen ‘recuperating after a stay in the hospital’). In compounding, too, all combinatory possibilities are realized with respect to the source of the morphemes. Compounds with the first element avto , bio , eko , samo are especially productive. Word-formational types that live in the consciousness of every speaker contain unlimited possibilities for the production of new words. Another productive is the new word-classificational role of words already in use, especially as concerns the formation of adverbs derived from adjectives. The paper concludes with a treatment of new words in the process of grammaticalization, i.e., the inclusion of new words into the grammatical system, by which words enter the process of acquiring predictable and typical grammatical properties. At the same time there exists the possibility that in the integration into the lexica and grammatical system, irregularities arise, e.g., pomelo : pomel ‘pomelo’, aromaterapija : aromoterapija ‘aromatherapy’, Windows : Windowsi ‘Windows’. In conclusion, new words are in a number of ways a relatively inconsistent and, from the point of view of denotational power, a relevant category of the lexicon from which the core of a given language is fed. At the same time, various cultural influences may be observed, thus this is an important source of material for sociolinguistic inquiry. SLOVENE: Sestavek se iz splošnih izhodišč, ki zadevajo razumevanje jezikovnih sprememb, osredotoča na semantična in razčlenjuje različne notranje- in zunajjezikovne vidike njihovega nastanka. Potem preide v definicije novih besed, kakor se kažejo v različnih tujih in domačih leksikografskih in jezikoslovnih priročnikih in literaturi. Sledi pregled literature o novih besedah v slovenskem jezikoslovju. Posebna pozornost je namenjena njihovi obravnavi v slovenskih slovarjih. To splošno teoretično obravnavo dopolnjuje konkretna razčlenitev besedotvornih značilnosti novih besed s stališča izvora morfemskih delov. Pri izpeljevanju so mogoče vse kombinacije: 1. k domači osnovi se dodaja domače priponsko obrazilo (ustvarljiv, častnica) ali prevzeto (lučkar, ognjiščar); 2. k prevzeti osnovi se dodaja prevzeto priponsko obrazilo (golfist, surfist), 3. k prevzeti osnovi se doda domače priponsko obrazilo (babysitterka, mafijec). Pri drugi besedotvorni vrsti, sestavljanju, se kaže posebna produktivnost določenih predpon pri posamezni besedni vrsti, na primer predpona do- pri glagolu (doformulirati, dooblikovati) in po- pri pridevniku (posmučarski, pobolnišničen). Tudi pri zloženkah se pojavljajo vse možnosti kombiniranja morfemskih delov glede na izvor. Posebno pogoste so nove zloženke s prvim delom avto , bio , eko , samo . Besedotvorne vrste, ki jih ima v zavesti vsak govoreči, vsebujejo neomejene možnosti nastajanja novih besed. Produktivna je tudi nova besednovrstna vloga že uveljavljenih besed, zlasti oblikovanje prislovov, ki so izpeljani iz pridevnikov. Sestavek se konča z obravnavanjem novih besed v procesu gramatikalizacije, to je umeščanja novih besed v slovnični sistem, s čimer besede vstopajo v postopek pridobivanja predvidljivih in vzorčno tipiziranih slovničnih lastnosti. Pri tem obstaja možnost, da nove besede ob včlenjevanju v leksikalni in slovnični sistem odstopajo od regularnih jezikovnih zakonitosti (pomelo : pomel, aromaterapija : aromoterapija, Windows : Windowsi). Nove besede so tako z več vidikov razmeroma neustaljena, a stališča poimenovalne moči relevantna kategorija leksike, iz katere se napaja jedrni del določenega jezika. Hkrati je v njih mogoče opazovati različne kulturne vplive, zato so tudi pomemben vir za sociolingvistične študije.
dc.publisherZRC SAZU / Hall Center for the Humanities
dc.subjectSlovene language
dc.subjectSlovenian language
dc.subjectLanguage contact
dc.subjectEnglish language
dc.titleJezikovne spremembe s stališča novih besed
dc.title.alternativeLinguistic Change Viewed in Terms of New Words

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