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dc.contributor.authorSnoj, Marko
dc.identifier.citationSlovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 4
dc.description.abstractSLOVENE: Površen pogled na sloven. prislov vm§r ‘vedno, zmeraj’ lahko privede do zgrešene možnosti razlage, po kateri naj bi bila beseda tvorjena po zgledu istopomenske nem. immer, razumljene kot sestavljenke z in ‘v’, kar naj bi v sloven. prevedli z v, in nekega ne več prevedljivega elementa mer, ki naj bi v sloven. vm§r ostal nespremenjen. S tem se odpre možnost poiskati nem. jedro še istopomomenskim prislovom zmbraj, zmbrom in vbnomer. Tako razmišljanje je zgrešeno, saj si zaradi enega osamljenega indica zakriva oči pred popolnoma drugačno celotno sliko. Nemški prislov immer seveda ni sestavljenka s prvim členom iz nem. in, temveč je sklop iz srvnem. iemmer < stvnem. iommēr, kar vsebuje srvnem. io < stvnem. eo ‘vedno’, to pa onemogoča paretimološko navezavo na nem. in ‘v’ in s tem tako domnevno razumevanje sloven. tvorca prislova vm§r. Ključ za rešitev tega in sorodnih sloven. prislovov je Miklošičeva razlaga prislova venombr iz sklopa *vъ edьn msrь, pri čemer *msrь, ki se ohranja v nar. sloven. mbr, rod. mer£, pomeni ‘smer’. K semantičnemu razvoju prim. nem. in einem fort ‘neprestano’ s fort ‘naprej’, pa tudi sloven. kar naprej ‘neprenehoma, stalno, vedno’. Zveza *vъ edьn msrь se je eliptično skrajšala na dva načina: z odpadom prilastka dobimo vm§r, z odpadom jedra pa *vednÓ. Nadaljnja obrusitev je znana v sloven. reduplicirani zvezi v§n in v§n ‘kar naprej, vedno’. S predlogom *vъz je tvorjen prislov sloven. zmbr ‘vedno’, hrv. kajk. vúzmer < *vъz (edьn) msrь.

Iz akcentske analize prislova vadno, še bolj obvezujoče pa iz istopomenskih prislovov namiru/namiri, namirom, zmbraj, zmbrom, hrv. čak. sm¥ron in kajk. zmirom je treba sklepati na tematski samostalnik *(-)měrъ moškega spola. Medtem ko je i-jevski samostalnik *msrь ‘smer’ postverbal nesestavljenega strelskega termina *mriti ‘usmerjati orožje proti cilju’ < ‘delati mero’, so navedeni prislovi najlažje razložljivi kot otrdeli mestnik, rodilnik oz. orodnik postverbalov sestavljenih dovršnikov *namriti oz. *sъmriti ‘nameriti, določiti smer’. Tematski postverbal iz *sъmriti se kot samostalnik ohranja v češ. směr ‘smer’, od koder je v 19. stol. prevzeto sloven. smbr in hrv. smj^r. ENGLISH: A first glance at the Slov. adverb vm§r ‘always’ can lead to an incorrect interpretation according to which the word is formed on the model of the synonymous German immer, understood as a compound of in ‘in’, calqued as Slov. v, and a now untranslatable element mer, which would have remained unaltered in Slovene vm§r. This then opens the possibility of seeking a German starting point for the synonymous adverbs zmbraj, zmbrom and vbnomer. This view is incorrect, as the circumstantial evidence obscures the full picture, which is completely different. The Germ. adverb immer is clearly not a compound containing the first element from Germ. in, but is rather a concatenation from MHG iemmer < OHG iommēr, containing MHG io < OHG eo ‘always’, which precludes a paraetymological connection with Germ. in ‘in’ as well as with the presumed interpretation of the Slovene formant of the adverb vm§r. The key to the solution of this and related Slovene adverbs is found in Miklošič’s explanation of the adverb venombr from the concatenation of *vъ edьn msrь, in which *msrь, is preserved in Slov. dial. mbr, gen. mer£, meaning ‘direction’. As to the semantic devlopment, cf. Germ. in einem fort ‘constantly’ with fort ‘forward, ahead’, as well as Slov. kar naprej ‘continually, constantly, always’. The concatenation *vъ edьn msrь became elliptically shortened in two ways: with the loss of the attribute the result is vm§r, the loss of the head results in *vednÓ. Further shortening is found in the Slov. reduplicated syntagm v§n in v§n ‘constantly, always’. The addition of the prefix *vъz forms the Slov. adverb zmbr ‘always’, Cr. Kajk. vúzmer < *vъz (edьn) msrь. An accentological analysis of the adverb vadno, as well as the more compelling synonymous adverbs namiru/namiri, namirom, zmbraj, zmbrom, Cr. Čak. sm¥ron and Kajk. zmirom points to a thematic masculine noun in *(-)měrъ. While the i-stem noun *msrь ‘direction’ is a postverbal of the non-compound marksmanship term *mriti ‘to direct a weapon at a target’ < ‘to take aim’, the adverbs adduced can be most easily explained as fossilized locative, genitive, or instrumental postverbals of the compound perfectives *namriti or *sъmriti ‘to aim, to determine a direction’. The thematic postverbal from *sъmriti is preserved as a noun in Cz. směr ‘direction’, from which Slov. smbr and Cr. smj^r were borrowed in the nineteenth century.
dc.publisherZRC SAZU / Hall Center for the Humanities
dc.subjectSlovene language
dc.subjectSlovenian language
dc.subjectSlavic languages
dc.titleSlovensko vedno, zmeraj in sorodno

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