Now showing items 221-320 of 101

    Diary study (1)
    Dieting (1)
    Digital divide (1)
    Digital gaming (1)
    Digital stress (1)
    Disability (2)
    Disagreement (1)
    Disclaimers (1)
    Disclosure (2)
    Discourse (2)
    Discourse analysis (1)
    Discursive construction (1)
    Discussion (1)
    Dissent (2)
    Diversity (1)
    Division of labor (1)
    Divorce (1)
    Domestic violence (2)
    Donald Trump (1)
    Douglass, Frederick (1)
    Dramatism (1)
    Duality analysis (1)
    Dyadic Analysis (1)
    Dynamics (1)
    Eating disorders (1)
    Ecology (1)
    Economic Inequality (1)
    Economic theory (1)
    Ecopedagogy (1)
    Education (1)
    education (1)
    Education finance (1)
    Education policy (1)
    Educational evaluation (2)
    Efficacy (1)
    Ego-network (1)
    Eisenhower, David Dwight (1)
    Elaboration likelihood model (1)
    Elizabeth Warren (1)
    Emotion (1)
    Emotional Appeal (1)
    Emotional Support (1)
    Employability (1)
    Empowerment (1)
    Entelechy (1)
    entelechy (1)
    Environmental communication (1)
    Environmental conservativism (1)
    Environmental justice (1)
    Environmental rhetoric (1)
    Environmental studies (1)
    Ethics (1)
    Ethnic and racial studies (1)
    Ethnic identity (1)
    ethnolinguistic identity (1)
    Ethopoeia (2)
    Ethos (2)
    Eulogy (1)
    Event sampling (1)
    Everyday talk (1)
    Evolutionary theory (1)
    Exhorting (1)
    Expectancy violations theory (1)
    Expectations (2)
    Expectations of trust (1)
    Expected outcomes (1)
    Experience sampling (1)
    Experience sampling method (1)
    Experiential Education (1)
    Experiment (1)
    Expert witness credibility (1)
    Expert witness testimony (1)
    Expertise (2)
    Exploratory factor analysis (1)
    Face-to-face (1)
    Facebook (5)
    Facebook communication (1)
    Facework (2)
    Factor analysis (1)
    Faculty (1)
    Fairness (1)
    Fallacies (1)
    Family (1)
    Family And Nonfamily Elders (1)
    Family elders (1)
    Family structure (1)
    fan studies (1)
    Fandom (2)
    Fans (2)
    Fantasy (1)
    Farmers' market (1)
    Feedback (1)
    Female professors (1)
    Female suicide attackers (1)
    Femicide (1)
    Feminism (3)
    feminism (1)
    Filial Piety (3)
    Filial piety (1)
    Film studies (1)