Now showing items 171-265 of 95

    The North American Invasion of the Giant Resin Bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) (1)
    The Occurrence of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism in Epiphytic Ferns, With and Emphasis on the Vittariaceae (1)
    The Oedipodinae of Kansas (1)
    The oldest known bat skeletons and their implications for Eocene chiropteran diversification (2)
    The ornithology of the Real Expedición Botánica a Nueva España (1787-1803): An analysis of the manuscripts of José Mariano Mociño (1)
    The osteology of the recent turtles of central North America (1)
    The Ovipositor of the Cicada (1)
    The oxygen consumption of the crayfish Orcconectes immunis and Orconectes nais in response to temperature and oxygen saturation (1)
    The Pangoniinae (Diptera: Tabanidae) of Nearctic America (1)
    The phylogenetic placement of two enigmatic metazoan parasites: Polypodium hydriforme and Myxozoa (1)
    The Phylogenetic Position of the Enigmatic, Polypodium hydriforme (Cnidaria, Polypodiozoa): Insights from Mitochondrial Genomes (1)
    The phylum Cnidaria: A review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus (1)
    The Possible Pollen Cone of the Late Triassic Conifer Heidiphyllum/Telemachus (Voltziales) From Antarctica (1)
    The potential distribution of the Vulnerable African lion Panthera leo in the face of changing global climate (1)
    The potential role of hybridization in diversification and speciation in an insular plant lineage: insights from synthetic interspecific hybrids (1)
    The potter wasp genus Allorhynchium from Vietnam, with descriptions of three new species and a new country record (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) (1)
    The Prmt5-Vasa module is essential for spermatogenesis in Bombyx mori (1)
    The probable larva of an undescribed species of Edrabius (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and its implications for the systematics of the tribe Amblyopinini. (1)
    The question of sex identification in specimens housed in research collections (1)
    The relation of nuclear size to body size of living Amebas in locomotion (1)
    The Relationship Between Use and Suitability of Resources and Its Consequences to Insect Population Size (1)
    The Responses of Plankton Communities in Experimental Ponds to Atrazine, the Most Heavily Used Pesticide in the United States (1)
    The Rhagovelia of the western hemisphere with notes on world distribution (Hemiptera, Veliidae) (1)
    The Role of Myth in Understanding Nature (1)
    The role of pathogen shedding in linking within- and between-host pathogen dynamics (1)
    The Role of Self-Incompatibility and Sexual Selection in the Gymnosperm-Angiosperm Transition: A Hypothesis (1)
    The science of global soil change: Networking for our future (1)
    The Seldidae of the western hemisphere in the Snow Entomological Collection (1)
    The Semantics of Color: Reply to Response to Review (1)
    The Spermatocyte Divisions of the Lucustidae (1)
    The Statistics of Bulk Segregant Analysis Using Next Generation Sequencing (1)
    The systematics of the genus Augochlorella (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) north of Mexico and the bionomics of A. Striata and A. Persimilis in eastern Kansas (1)
    The Tabanidae of Kansas (1)
    The taxonomy of Geomydoecus (Mallophaga: Trichodectidae) from the Geomys bursarius complex (Rodentia: Geomyidae) (1)
    The Taxonomy of Recent and Fossil Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae; Apis) (1)
    The Teleost Anatomy Ontology: Anatomical Representation for the Genomics Age (1)
    The termites of Early Eocene Cambay amber, with the earliest record of the Termitidae (Isoptera) (1)
    The tiger beetles of Kansas (family Carabidae; subfamily Cicindelinae) order Coleoptera (1)
    The turning of the sperm in the orthopteran follicle (1)
    The Use of Ecological Niche Modeling to Infer Potential Risk Areas of Snakebite in the Mexican State of Veracruz (1)
    The Use of Regression for Detecting Competition with Multicollinear Data (1)
    The vertebrate taxonomy ontology: a framework for reasoning across model organism and species phenotypes (2)
    The wasp genus Clystopsenella in Early Miocene amber from the Dominican Republic (Hymenoptera: Scolebythidae) (1)
    The wasp larva's last supper: 100 million years of evolutionary stasis in the larval development of rhopalosomatid wasps (Hymenoptera: Rhopalosomatidae) (1)
    The water economy of harvest mice from xeric and mesic environments (1)
    The wild mammals of Wisconsin, book review (1)
    The xenarthrans of Nicaragua (1)
    The yellow bellied marmot and the evolution of polygamy (1)
    Thermal influences on the activity and energetics of yellow bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) (1)
    Thoughts on implementation of the recommendeds of the GBIF task force on a global strategy and action plan for mobilization of natural history collections data (1)
    Three additional new genera of acidocerine water scavenger beetles from the Guiana and Brazilian Shield regions of South America (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae) (2)
    Three new cryptic species of Euglossa from Brazil (Hymenoptera, Apidae) (1)
    Three New Genera and Six New Species of Lecanicephalideans (Cestoda) from Eagle Rays of the Genus Aetomylaeus (Myliobatiformes: Myliobatidae) from Northern Australia and Borneo (1)
    Three new species of shallow water, yellow zoanthids (Hexacorallia: Zoanthidea: Epizoanthidae) from southern California, USA, and southern Australia (1)
    Three new species of the bee genus Caenaugochlora from Central America and Colombia (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) (1)
    Three species of intertidal sea anemones (Anthozoa: Actiniidae) from the tropical Pacific: Description of *Anthopleura buddemeieri*, n.sp., with remarks on *Anthopleura asiatica* and *Gyractis sesere* (1)
    Three years in and still going strong: An annual recap for the Journal of Melittology (1)
    Three-Way Interactions among Mutualistic Mycorrhizal Fungi, Plants, and Plant Enemies: Hypotheses and Synthesis (1)
    Time-Series Classification of High-Temporal Resolution AVHRR NDVI Imagery of Mexico (1)
    Timing and Tempo of Early and Successive Adaptive Radiations in Macaronesia (1)
    TIR-NBS-LRR genes are rare in monocots: evidence from diverse monocot orders (1)
    Tissue sampling methods and standards for vertebrate genomics (1)
    Topographic variability and the influence of soil erosion on the carbon cycle (1)
    Touch-sensitive glandular trichomes: a mode of defence against herbivorous arthropods in the Carboniferous (1)
    Toward an integration of landscape and food web ecology: The dynamics of spatially subsidized food webs (1)
    Toward Open Access: it takes a village (1)
    Traditional ecological knowledge: the third alternative (1)
    Transcriptomic Analysis of Four Cerianthid (Cnidaria, Ceriantharia) Venoms (1)
    Transcriptomic evidence that enigmatic parasites Polypodium hydriforme and Myxozoa are cnidarians (1)
    Transgenerational plasticity is sex-dependent and persistent in yellow monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus) (1)
    Transit times and mean ages for nonautonomous and autonomous compartmental systems (1)
    Translocation of Nocturnally Fixed 14C in the Crassulacean Acid Metabolism Epiphyte Tillandsia Usneoides L. (1)
    Transmission dynamics for Methicilin-resistant Staphalococous areus with injection drug user (1)
    Transmission risk of Oropouche fever across the Americas (1)
    Triassic Leech Cocoon From Antarctica Contains Fossil Bell Animal (1)
    Trichomycetes in Argentinean Aquatic Insect Larvae (1)
    Trophic rank and the species–area relationship. (1)
    Tropical Corallimorpharia (Coelenterata: Anthozoa): feeding by envelopment (1)
    Tropical dry-forest mammals of Palo Verde: Ecology and conservation in a changing landscape (1)
    Twentieth century turnover of Mexican endemic avifaunas: Landscape change versus climate drivers (1)
    Twisted trees and inconsistency of tree estimation when gaps are treated as missing data – The impact of model mis-specification in distance correction (1)
    Two new genera and species of the termite symbiont lineage Termitohospitini (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) from Bolivia and peninsular Malaysia (1)
    Two new genera of Cretaceous dustywings in amber from northern Myanmar (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) (1)
    Two new halictine bees in Miocene amber from the Dominican Republic (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) (1)
    Two new orchid bees of the subgenus Euglossella from Peru (1)
    Two new species of deep-water Corallimorpharia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from the Northeast Pacific, *Corallimorphus denhartogi* and *C. pilatus* (1)
    Two new species of Euglossa from South America, with notes on their taxonomic affinities (Hymenoptera, Apidae) (1)
    Two new species of Gliricola (Phthiraptera: Gyropidae) from the spiny tree rat, Mesomys hispidus, in Peru. (1)
    Two new species of shrew-rats (Rhynchomys: Muridae; Rodentia) from Luzon Island, Philippines (1)
    Two new species of the chewing louse genus Gliricola Mjöberg (Phthiraptera: Gyropidae) from Peruvian rodents (1)
    Two waves of colonization straddling the K–Pg boundary formed the modern reef fish fauna (1)
    Type specimens in modern ornithology are necessary and irreplaceable. (1)
    Typhoon frequency and intensity across the Western Pacific Ocean north of the Equator, 1951 – 2014 (1)