Now showing items 181-200 of 309

    • Bioinformatics process management: information flow via a computational journal 

      Feagan, Lance; Rohrer, Justin P.; Garrett, Alexander S.; Amthauer, Heather A.; Komp, Ed; Johnson, David; Hock, Adam; Clark, Terry; Lushington, Gerald H.; Minden, Gary J.; Frost, Victor S. (BioMed Central, 2007-12-03)
      This paper presents the Bioinformatics Computational Journal (BCJ), a framework for conducting and managing computational experiments in bioinformatics and computational biology. These experiments often involve series of ...
    • Over half of breakpoints in gene pairs involved in cancer-specific recurrent translocations are mapped to human chromosomal fragile sites. 

      Burrow, Allison A.; Williams, Laura E.; Pierce, Levi C. T.; Wang, Yuh-Hwa (BioMed Central, 2009-01-30)
      Gene rearrangements such as chromosomal translocations have been shown to contribute to cancer development. Human chromosomal fragile sites are regions of the genome especially prone to breakage, and have been implicated ...
    • FEPI-MB: identifying SNPs-disease association using a Markov Blanket-based approach. 

      Han, Bing; Chen, Xue-wen; Talebizadeh, Zohreh (BioMed Central, 2010-07-25)
      The interactions among genetic factors related to diseases are called epistasis. With the availability of genotyped data from genome-wide association studies, it is now possible to computationally unravel epistasis related ...
    • bNEAT: a Bayesian network method for detecting epistatic interactions in genome-wide association studies. 

      Han, Bing; Chen, Xue-wen (BioMed Central, 2011-07-27)
      Detecting epistatic interactions plays a significant role in improving pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of complex human diseases. A recent study in automatic detection of epistatic interactions shows that ...
    • Source-to-Source Refactoring and Elimination of Global Variables in C Programs 

      Sankaranarayanan, Hemaiyer; Kulkarni, Prasad A. (Scientific Research, 2013-05-01)
      A global variable in C/C++ is one that is declared outside a function, and whose scope extends the lifetime of the entire program. Global variables cause problems for program dependability, maintainability, ...
    • Complex-optical-field lidar system for range and vector velocity measurement 

      Gao, Shuang; Sullivan, Maurice O.; Hui, Rongqing (Optics Society of America, 2012-11-01)
      A coherent lidar system based on the measurement of complex optical field is demonstrated for the first time. An electro-optic in-phase/quadrature (I/Q) modulator is used in the lidar transmitter to realize carrier-suppressed ...
    • Open Access: An Evolving Alternative 

      Haricombe, Lorraine J.; Emmett, Ada; Alexander, Perry (IEEE, 2012-08)
    • Compressed Index for Dictionary Matching with One Error 

      Hon, Wing-Kai; Lam, Tak-Wah; Shah, Rahul; Siu-Lung, Tam; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011-03-29)
      Given a set D of d patterns of total length n, the dictionary matching problem is to index D such that for any query text T, we can locate the occurrences of any pattern within T efficiently. This problem can be solved in ...
    • Nearly Optimal Vector Quantization via Linear Programming 

      Lin, Jyh-Han; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (IEEE, 1992)
      We present new vector quantization algorithms based on the theory devel- oped in [LiV]. The new approach is to formulate a vector quantization problem as a 0-1 integer linear program. We rst solve its relaxed linear program ...
    • Online Perfect Matching and Mobile Computing 

      Grove, Edward F.; Kao, Ming-Yang; Krishnan, P.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (Springer Verlag, 1995)
      We present a natural online perfect matching problem moti- vated by problems in mobile computing. A total of n customers connect and disconnect sequentially, and each customer has an associated set of stations to which it ...
    • Faster Compressed Dictionary Matching (extended abstract) 

      Hon, Wing-Kai; Lam, Tak-Wah; Shah, Rahul; Siu-Lung, Tam; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (Springer Verlag, 2010)
      The past few years have witnessed several exciting results on compressed represen- tation of a string T that supports e±cient pattern matching, and the space complexity has been reduced to jTjHk(T)+o(jTj log ¾) bits [8, ...
    • I/O-efficient Compressed Text Indexes: From Theory to Practice (extended abstract) 

      Chiu, Sheng-Yuan; Hon, Wing-Kai; Shah, Rahul; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (IEEE, 2010)
      Pattern matching on text data has been a fundamental field of Computer Science for nearly 40 years. Databases supporting full-text indexing functionality on text data are now widely used by biologists. In the theoretical ...
    • Space-Efficient Framework for Top-k String Retrieval Problems (extended abstract) 

      Hon, Wing-Kai; Shah, Rahul; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (IEEE, 2009)
      Given a set D = fd1; d2;
    • Compressed Index for Dictionary Matching (extended abstract) 

      Hon, Wing-Kai; Lam, Tak-Wah; Shah, Rahul; Siu-Lung, Tam; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (IEEE, 2008)
      The past few years have witnessed several exciting results on compressed represen- tation of a string T that supports e±cient pattern matching, and the space complexity has been reduced to jTjHk(T)+o(jTj log ¾) bits [8, ...
    • Geometric Burrows-Wheeler Transform: Linking Range Searching and Text Indexing (extended abstract) 

      Chien, Yu-Feng; Hon, Wing-Kai; Shah, Rahul; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (IEEE, 2008)
      We introduce a new variant of the popular Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) called Geometric Burrows-Wheeler Transform (GBWT). Unlike BWT, which merely permutes the text, GBWT converts the text into a set of points in ...
    • A Framework for Dynamizing Succinct Data Structures (Extended Abstract) 

      Gupta, Ankur; Hon, Wing-Kai; Shah, Rahul; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (Springer Verlag, 2007)
      We present a framework to dynamize succinct data structures, to encourage their use over non-succinct versions in a wide variety of important application areas. Our framework can dynamize most stateof- the-art succinct ...
    • Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression 

      Howard, Paul G.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (IEEE, 1994)
      Arithmetic coding provides an e ective mechanism for remov- ing redundancy in the encoding of data. We show how arithmetic coding works and describe an e cient implementation that uses table lookup as a fast alternative ...
    • A Unified Approach for Indexed and Non-Indexed Spatial Joins 

      Arge, Lars; Procopiuc, Octavian; Ramaswamy, Sridhar; Suel, Torsten; Vahrenhold, Jan; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (Springer Verlag, 2000)
      L. Arge, O. Procopiuc, S. Ramaswamy, T. Suel, J. Vahrenhold, and J. S. Vitter. “A Unified Approach for Indexed and Non-Indexed Spatial Joins,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Extending Database Technology ...
    • Online Data Structures in External Memory 

      Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (Springer Verlag, 1999)
      The data sets for many of today's computer applications are too large to t within the computer's internal memory and must instead be stored on external storage devices such as disks. A major performance bottleneck can be ...
    • Constructing Binary Space Partitions for Orthogonal Rectangles in Practice 

      Murali, T. M.; Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott (Springer Verlag, 1998)
      In this paper, we develop a simple technique for constructing a I3inary Space Partition (nSP) for a set of orthogonal rectangles in IR3. OUf algorithm has the novel feature that it tunes its performance to the geometric ...