Anchorage of Large High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks and Heads: Initial Tests
Blessent, Matthew ; Darwin, David ; Lepage, Andres ; Lequesne, Rémy ; O’Reilly, Matthew
Blessent, Matthew
Darwin, David
Lepage, Andres
Lequesne, Rémy
O’Reilly, Matthew
The reaction frame to be used to test No. 14 and No. 18 bar beam-column joint specimens, the modified reaction frame used to test initial No. 11 beam-column joint specimens, and the design of beam-column joint specimens are described. Concrete strengths of 5,000 psi to 15,000 psi will be used with bar sizes of No. 11, No. 14, and No. 18 with bar stresses at anchorage failure in excess of 100 ksi in future work.
Thus far, the testing apparatus has been designed, test procedures have been established, and initial specimens have been tested. The initial test results show that the descriptive equation used to calculate the anchorage strength of headed bars presented by Shao et al. (2016) is accurate for No. 11 bars.
Testing will continue using the apparatus and procedures described in this report, and the results will be added to the database developed at The University of Kansas to better understand how large high-strength headed and hooked bars behave in beam-column joints.
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University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Anchorage, Embedment length, Beam-column joints, Hooked bars, Headed bars, High-strength concrete, High-strength steel
Blessent, M., Darwin, D., Lepage, A., Lequesne, R. D., and O’Reilly, M., “Anchorage of Large High-Strength Reinforcing Bars with Standard Hooks and Heads: Initial Tests,” SL Report 20-3, University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., February 2020, Lawrence, KS, 40 pp.