Who Gives a “Like” About the HPV Vaccine? Kansan Parent/Guardian Perceptions and Social Media Representations
Luisi, Monique Linette Robinson
Luisi, Monique Linette Robinson
Among U.S. states, Kansas children’s HPV vaccination rates remain low. Parent/guardian HPV vaccine-beliefs likely influence vaccination rates. Additionally, Facebook’s popularity suggests that this forum’s representation may influence parent/guardian decisions to vaccinate children. This dissertation explores how Kansan parents/guardians of HPV vaccine-eligible children perceive the vaccine in the contexts of the health belief model (Rosenstock, 1974; Rosenstock, Strecher, & Becker, 1988) and the social amplification of risk framework (R. Kasperson et al., 1988), parent/guardian engagement with HPV vaccine-related information, and Facebook representations by general users and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during the vaccine’s first decade on the market. Results indicate HPV vaccine risk perceptions among some Kansan parents/guardians, social media as an active and passive source of information, and the HPV vaccine’s representation on Facebook as increasingly negative. HPV vaccine promotion strategies should consider focusing on the vaccine’s representation and risk attenuating messages.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Mass communication, Health belief model, Health Communication, Human papillomavirus, Kansas, Social amplification of risk framework, Social media