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Enhanced cavitation by using two consecutive ultrasound waves at different frequencies

Yang, Xinmai
Jo, Janggun
Efficient and noninvasive generation of cavitation bubbles in soft tissue is a challenging task due to the lack of cavitation nuclei (i.e., pre-existing gas bubbles). In this study, we present a method to generate and enhance cavitation activity based on the utilization of two consecutive ultrasound waves at different frequencies. First, a high frequency (5 MHz) high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) wave was applied to a tissue-mimicking phantom to induce a rapid temperature rise in the ultrasound focal region. Immediately following the high frequency HIFU wave, a low frequency (1 MHz) HIFU wave was applied to the same focal region to induce acoustic cavitation. We found that cavitation activity was enhanced when the temperature in the tissue-mimicking phantom was first elevated by the high frequency HIFU wave. The enhancement was greater when a higher intensity of high frequency HIFU wave was applied. This result may be due to the temporary super-saturation of air in the initially air-saturated test samples and the reduction of surface tension at an elevated temperature.
This is the published version. Copyright 2014 American Institute of Physics
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American Institute of Physics
Research Projects
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Cavitation, Bubble dynamics, Acoustic cavitation, Ultrasonography, Sound pressure
Yang, Xinmai, and Janggun Jo. "Enhanced Cavitation by Using Two Consecutive Ultrasound Waves at Different Frequencies." Appl. Phys. Lett. Applied Physics Letters 105.19 (2014): 193701. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4902118
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