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dc.contributor.authorBonaccorso, Elisa
dc.contributor.authorBožankova, Reneta
dc.contributor.authorCadena, Carlos D.
dc.contributor.authorČapská, Veronika
dc.contributor.authorCzerniewicz, Laura
dc.contributor.authorEmmett, Ada
dc.contributor.authorOludayo, Folorunso F.
dc.contributor.authorGlukhova, Natalija
dc.contributor.authorGreenberg, Marc L.
dc.contributor.authorHladnik, Miran
dc.contributor.authorGrillet, María E.
dc.contributor.authorIndrawan, Mohamad
dc.contributor.authorKapović, Mate
dc.contributor.authorKlejner, Jurij A.
dc.contributor.authorŁaziński, Marek
dc.contributor.authorLoyola, Rafael D.
dc.contributor.authorMenon, Shaily
dc.contributor.authorMorales, Luis G.
dc.contributor.authorOcampo, Clara
dc.contributor.authorPérez-Emán, Jorge
dc.contributor.authorPeterson, A. Townsend
dc.contributor.authorPoposki, Dimitar
dc.contributor.authorRasheed, Ajadi A.
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez-Clark, Kathryn M.
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez, Jon P.
dc.contributor.authorRosenblum, Brian
dc.contributor.authorSánchez-Cordero, Víctor
dc.contributor.authorSmolík, Filip
dc.contributor.authorSnoj, Marko
dc.contributor.authorSzilágyi, Imre
dc.contributor.authorTorres, Orlando
dc.contributor.authorTykarski, Piotr
dc.identifier.citationElisa Bonaccorso [et al.]: Ozka grla sistema odprtega dostopa: glasovi iz sveta, 77–92. Knjižnica, 58 (2014) 3.
dc.descriptionA level playing field is key for global participation in science and scholarship, particularly with regard to how scientific publications are financed and subsequently accessed. However, there are potential pitfalls of the so-called “Gold” open-access (OA) route, in which author-paid publication charges cover the costs of production and publication. Gold OA plans in which author charges are required may not solve the access problem, but rather may shift the access barrier from reader to writer. Under such plans, everyone may be free to read papers, but it may still be prohibitively expensive to publish them. In a scholarly community that is increasingly global, spread over more and more regions and countries of the world, these publication access barriers may be quite significant. In the present paper, a global suite of colleagues in academe joins this debate. The group of colleagues, a network of researchers active in scholarly publishing, spans four continents and multiple disciplines in the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences, as well as diverse political and economic situations. We believe that this global sampling of researchers can provide the nuance and perspective necessary to grasp this complex problem. The group was assembled without an attempt to achieve global coverage through random sampling. This contribution differs from other approaches to the open-access problem in several fundamental ways. (A) It is scholar-driven, and thus can represent the ‘other side of the coin’ of scholarly communication. (B) It focuses on narrative report, where scholars were free to orient their responses as they saw it, rather than being confined to binary or scalar choices. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, (C) it distinguishes among institutions and countries and situations, highlighting inequalities of access among wealthy and economically-challenged nations, and also within countries depending on the size and location of particular institutions.
dc.description.abstractIzenačeni pogoji so ključ za globalno udeležbo v znanosti in raziskovanju, posebej glede na to, kako so znanstvene publikacije inancirane in dostopne. Obstajajo pa potencialne pasti t. i. zlatega modela odprtega dostopa, pri katerem publikacije stroške produkcije in objave zaračunajo avtorjem. Zlati modeli, po katerih se računi izstavljajo avtorjem, ne rešujejo problema dostopnosti, ampak samo prestavijo oviro od bralca k avtorju. Po takih modelih lahko vsakdo prebira razprave, vendar je njihovo objavljanje lahko nedopustno drago. V znanstveni skupnosti, ki je vedno bolj globalna, razširjena čez vse več regij in držav sveta, so te publikacijske ovire lahko zelo moteče. V debato se s to razpravo vključuje tudi globalna skupina univerzitetnih kolegov. Mreža raziskovalcev dejavnih v akademskem publiciranju, se razteza čez štiri celine in več disciplin znotraj naravoslovja, humanistike in družbenih ved in zavzema različne politične ter ekonomske položaje. Verjamejo, da ta globalni vzorec raziskovalcev lahko predstavi kompleksno problematiko in ponudi perspektive, nujne za njeno obvladovanje. Skupina je bila sestavljena, ne da bi poskušala zajeti ves svet.
dc.subjectscientific publishing
dc.subjectOpen Access
dc.subjectgold open access model
dc.titleOzka grla sistema odprtega dostopa: glasovi iz sveta
dc.title.alternativeBottlenecks in the Open-Access System: Voices from Around the Globe

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