Now showing items 841-940 of 101

    Orthography (1)
    Outness (1)
    outness (1)
    overexcitability (1)
    Overweight (1)
    Ownership (1)
    oxidative stress (1)
    Oxytocin (1)
    P > N (1)
    P300 (1)
    Pain (2)
    Pain perception (1)
    Panel Data (1)
    panel model (1)
    Parasomnias (1)
    Parent (1)
    Parent child relationship (1)
    Parent sociability (1)
    Parent social engagement (1)
    Parent-child talk (2)
    Parental (1)
    Parental bonding (2)
    parental depression (1)
    Parental psychological control (1)
    Parenting (4)
    parenting (4)
    Parenting attitudes and approaches survey (1)
    Parenting measure (1)
    Parenting stress (2)
    Parents (2)
    Parents' hope for their child (1)
    Parkinson's disease (3)
    partial invariance (1)
    Partner Behaviors (1)
    Patriotism (1)
    peak-end rule (1)
    Peanut allergy (1)
    pediatric (3)
    Pediatric obesity (2)
    pediatric obesity (1)
    Pediatric Psychology (1)
    Pediatric psychology (1)
    Pediatrics (2)
    Peer delinquency (1)
    Peer rejection (1)
    peer rejection (1)
    Peer victimization (3)
    peer victimization (2)
    Peer-mediated intervention (1)
    perceived competence (1)
    Perceived control (1)
    Perception (1)
    perception (1)
    Perceptions (1)
    Perceptions of discrimination (1)
    performativity (1)
    Permeability of group boundaries (1)
    Persistence (1)
    Person-fit (1)
    Personal (1)
    personal control (1)
    Personal Growth (1)
    Personality (1)
    Personality disorders (1)
    Personality psychology (5)
    Philosophy (1)
    Phonological Neighbor (1)
    Phonological neighbors (1)
    Phonology (2)
    Phonotactic probability (1)
    Phototherapy (1)
    phototherapy (1)
    Physical activity (8)
    physical activity (3)
    physical disability (1)
    physical victimization (1)
    Physiological psychology (2)
    Piecewise spline modeling (1)
    PIRLS (1)
    placement disruption (1)
    planned missing (1)
    Planned missing data (1)
    Planned missingness (1)
    Political psychology (1)
    Political science (2)
    Polytrauma Clinical Triad (1)
    positive psychology (1)
    postpartum (1)
    Posttraumatic growth (1)
    Posttraumatic Stress (1)
    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (3)
    Postural Control (1)
    Power (1)
    practical fit indices (1)
    Practice (1)
    Practice effects (1)
    Pre-sleep arousal (1)
    precision grip (1)
    Prejudice (6)
    prejudice (2)