Now showing items 1181-1280 of 101

    Stress response (1)
    stress-process (1)
    Structural Equation Modeling (2)
    Structural equation modeling (5)
    structural equation modeling (4)
    Structural equation models (SEM) (1)
    Student athletes (2)
    Students (2)
    subgroups (1)
    Subjective well-being (1)
    Subjectivity Uncertainty (1)
    Substance use (1)
    substance use (1)
    Suicidality (1)
    Suicide (1)
    suicide (1)
    Superstition (1)
    Supervisory Working Alliance (1)
    Survey (1)
    survivorship (1)
    Sustained attention (1)
    Symptom provocation (1)
    symptom trajectory (1)
    Systemic (1)
    systemic inflammation (1)
    TAF (1)
    taxes (1)
    teacher stress (1)
    Teacher-Child Interaction Training (1)
    teacher-report (1)
    Teaching (1)
    Teaching evaluations (1)
    Teen Pregnancy (1)
    Teen pregnancy (1)
    telemedicine (1)
    Temporal Comparison (1)
    Temporal influences (1)
    Test-taking strategies (1)
    Tests and measurements (2)
    Text messaging (1)
    text messaging (1)
    texting (1)
    Theoretical orientation (1)
    Theory of evolution (1)
    Therapeutic lifestyle change (1)
    therapy outcomes (1)
    Thoughts on teen parenting (1)
    Threat (4)
    threat (1)
    Threat perception (1)
    Three-form design (1)
    TIMSS (1)
    TMT (1)
    Toddler (1)
    tokenism (1)
    trajectories (1)
    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (1)
    Transitional objects (1)
    Translation (1)
    Trauma (3)
    trauma (2)
    Trauma Focused Therapy (1)
    Traumatic sexuality (1)
    Treatment (1)
    treatment (1)
    Treatment Adherence (1)
    treatment guidelines (1)
    Treatment outcome (1)
    Treatment refusal (1)
    Treatment seeking (1)
    Turkish women (1)
    Two-method measurement (1)
    Uncertain self-esteem (1)
    Uncertainty (1)
    Unitarian universalist (1)
    Unwanted sexual activity (1)
    Useful field of view (1)
    Validity (1)
    Values (1)
    Variability (1)
    Vegetable (1)
    Verbal fluency (1)
    Veteran-student (1)
    Veterans (4)
    victim blaming (1)
    Victim obligations (1)
    Victimization (1)
    Vigilance (1)
    Vision (1)
    Visual attention (1)
    visual word recognition (1)
    Vocabulary (1)
    Vocational (1)
    Vocational identity (1)
    Vocational Psychology (1)
    Vulnerability (3)
    vulnerability (1)
    wald test (1)
    Weight criticism (1)
    weight loss (3)