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Now showing items 321-340 of 762

    • Take Me Out to the Besuboru Game 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2009-03-04)
      Broadcast Transcript: This Postcard is for every little girl who dreams of pitching in the majors. Take me out to the besuboru game! Besuboru is"baseball" in Japanese. It's a borrowed word and has been adapted to the ...
    • Obama Speeches 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2009-02-25)
      Broadcast Transcript: Barack Obama is already having a global impact. The Japanese are using his speeches to help teach English. In fact, a book with his collected speeches is currently at the top of the bestseller list ...
    • Speak of the Devil 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2009-02-18)
      Broadcast Transcript: In Chinese, when they want to say "speak of the devil" they say "shuo Cao Cao, Cao Cao jiu dao" "Speak of Cao Cao and he arrives." Cao Cao was a brilliant strategist in the late 2nd and early 3rd ...
    • Wearable Airbags and Safety Diapers 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2009-02-11)
      Broadcast Transcript: Old age, as Bette Davis once said, ain't no place for sissies. Frailty. Loss of independence. Accidents. It's into this last category that this Postcard falls... with "falls" being the operative word. ...
    • Hotel of Doom 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2009-02-04)
      Broadcast Transcript: If you build a luxury hotel in a city that discourages tourists from visiting, who'll stay there? It's like a bad Zen koan, isn't it? But it's not hypothetical: it refers to the Ryugyong Hotel aka The ...
    • Electronic Fireflies 

      Hacker, Randi; Greene, Megan (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2009-01-28)
      Broadcast Transcript: It's New Year in Japan which means... it's time to sing about fireflies. The song Hotaru no Hikari or light of the fireflies is as well known and beloved as Auld Lang Syne is in the West; in fact, ...
    • Puchi Puchi 

      Hacker, Randi; Greene, Megan (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2009-01-21)
      Broadcast Transcript: Is there a human on earth who doesn't enjoy popping bubble wrap? The satisfaction of the squish and the snap of a bubble breaking between your fingers transcends cultural borders. The problem is then ...
    • Greed is Bad 

      Hacker, Randi; Greene, Megan (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2009-01-14)
      Broadcast Transcript: From Seoul comes the story of a financial advisor who appeared on a TV talk show and said that people were making unwise investment decisions because they were too greedy. As a result, he was fired. ...
    • Virtual Eunuchs 

      Hacker, Randi; Greene, Megan (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2009-01-07)
      Broadcast Transcript: So you want to be a eunuch--and why not? In Imperial China, eunuchs were among the most powerful of the courtiers: It was the eunuch Zheng He, don't forget, who convinced the emperor to let him sail ...
    • Don't Have a Cow 

      Hacker, Randi; Tsutsui, William (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-03-19)
      Broadcast Transcript: Happy New Year! On February 7, 2008, the Year of Pig officially came to a close and the Year of the Rat began. Rat years are known for business success and pet shops here in China are already feeling ...
    • Hiroshima Piano 

      Hacker, Randi; Tsutsui, William (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2007-08-01)
      Broadcast Transcript: Humans were not the only casualties on that fateful day in 1945 when the US dropped the A-bomb on Hiroshima. There was also... a piano. This piano, made in 1932 by the forerunner of Yamaha, was sitting ...
    • Fugu II 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-11-19)
      Broadcast Transcript: Fugu Part II: In the last Postcard, we talked about fugu, the poisonous poisson that has been a favorite in Japan for centuries. Well, it seems that a fish farm has recently raised fugu that are ...
    • Fugu I 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-11-12)
      Broadcast Transcript: The Japanese have serious thrill issues, dude. For hundreds of years, they've eaten fugu, a type of puffer fish whose liver is the seat of a poison called tetrodotoxin that causes paralysis then death ...
    • The Eel Thing 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-11-05)
      Broadcast Transcript: It's hot in Tokyo in the summer. And when the heat closes in, young Japanese men's fancies turn to thoughts of... eels. Hence eel-eating days here in Japan. An honored tradition that was first mentioned ...
    • Tones 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-10-29)
      Broadcast Transcript: Chinese is a tonal language. That means the tones are semantic markers. That means the way you say a word affects its meaning. Thus if you say "ma" it means mother but if you say "ma" it means horse. ...
    • Tea Ceremony 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-10-22)
      Broadcast Transcript: Cha, or tea, has a long and splendid history in Japan. Imported by a monk in the 8th Century, introduced to the samurai in the 12th, embraced by the common people in the 14th, ritualized in the chado, ...
    • Shrine Festival 

      Hacker, Randi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-10-15)
      Broadcast Transcript: It's autumn in Japan and in autumn men's fancies turn to...bashing each other with large portable shrines. At least here in Himeji they do. Really. I'm not kidding. From October 14th through the 15th ...
    • Confucian Weekend Classes 

      Hacker, Randi; Greene, Megan (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-09-03)
      Broadcast Transcript: An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger. Confucius said that. And fifty years ago, kong zi, as he is known in China, was vilified by an oppressive government led by Chairman Mao. ...
    • Korean Confusion 

      Hacker, Randi; Greene, Megan (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-08-27)
      Broadcast Transcript: American educators, take heart: US students are not the only ones in the world with a shaky grasp of their own country's history. Students in South Korea are alarmingly in the dark about circumstances ...
    • Go Believe Buns 

      Hacker, Randi; Greene, Megan; von Holten, Leslie (Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, 2008-08-20)
      Broadcast Transcript: They're tasty. They're popular. And they're a marketing nightmare. China's well-loved goubuli steamed buns are the pride of Tianjin, but their name translates literally to "a dog would ignore it." ...