Boundary Work and Transactive Memory Systems in Teams: Moderating Effects of the Visibility Affordance
Yoon, Kay ; Piercy, Cameron W. ; Kim, Young Ji ; Zhu, Yaguang
Yoon, Kay
Piercy, Cameron W.
Kim, Young Ji
Zhu, Yaguang
Individuals in work teams frequently cross boundaries across teams, often by using information and communication technologies (ICTs). The current study investigates the effects of members’ boundary work and the visibility affordance of teams’ ICTs on Transactive Memory Systems (TMS) in teams. Survey data from 212 full-time employees whose work hours were divided between multiple teams reveals that boundary spanning enhances the focal team’s TMS credibility and specialization and negatively influences TMS coordination. Additionally, boundary reinforcement positively affects TMS credibility and coordination. The visibility affordance has a direct positive impact on all three dimensions of TMS and a moderating effect for boundary reinforcement such that higher visibility overrides the positive direct effect of boundary reinforcement on TMS. These findings suggest that different types of boundary work contribute to different dimensions of TMS and that teams might consider prioritizing the use of ICTs with high visibility to enhance their TMS.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Boundary Work, Transactive Memory, Visibility Affordance, Team Knowledge Sharing
Yoon, K., Piercy, C. W., Kim, Y. G., & Zhu, Y., (in press). Boundary work and transactive memory systems in teams: Moderating effects of the visibility affordance. Management Communication Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1177/08933189231192078