
Saving Space in China

Hacker, Randi
Broadcast Transcript: The Chinese are geniuses at utilizing every inch of space. In a country that is historically overcrowded, this skill is important for survival. Chinese vegetable gardens are miracles of permaculture layout: small plants nestle under taller ones and even the very corners, hard up against telephone poles in some cases, are lush with low growing edibles. So it totally comes as no surprise, to learn that a wealthy doctor has built a fancy villa--complete with a garden--on the roof of his 26-story apartment block here in Beijing. Some claim that this is just another example of the scofflaw behavior of the very rich. Officials have given the doctor has 15 days to tear down the illegal structure down. But, don't worry: he won't be homeless. He owns a penthouse on the same roof. #China #Hacker #CEAS
This is one of hundreds of 60-second radio spots created by the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) for Kansas Public Radio (KPR). The purpose of this outreach program is to introduce the people of Kansas to the culture and current issues of East Asia.
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Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas
Research Projects
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Journal Issue
China, Beijing, Garden On The Roof
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