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Breastfeeding Experiences of Mothers Using Telehealth at One and Four Weeks Postpartum

Curtis Neely, Melanie
Wambach, Karen
Research demonstrates that breastfeeding provides many health benefits for both mothers and infants. However, many mothers stop breastfeeding in the early postpartum period due to problems such as sore nipples, engorgement, mastitis, and insufficient milk supply. Lactation support is associated with increased breastfeeding duration. However, in underserved rural and urban areas some mothers lack access to lactation support. Telehealth technology has not been used to address this problem in the U.S., but may be an alternative means to provide mothers with lactation support. The purpose of the parent study was to evaluate the feasibility and reliability of telehealth methods for assessing and providing lactation support in women’s homes over the first four weeks after birth. The purpose of this ancillary study was to identify the breastfeeding experiences of mothers at one and four weeks postpartum, and to determine if telehealth enhanced breastfeeding support. Seven mother‐baby dyads were recruited from the maternity unit of a 600 bed Midwestern university‐affiliated hospital and a free standing birthing center. Data were collected using videoconferencing and face to face home visits to compute LATCH breastfeeding assessment scores. The Breastfeeding Experience Scale (BES) was administered via the telephone at one and four weeks postpartum. Data analyses included descriptive statistics and narrative analysis. At one week, the most frequent experiences of mothers were feeling tired/fatigued, (85.8%), followed by baby’s reluctance to nurse due to sleepiness (85.7%), and sore nipples (85.7%). On a 5‐point scale, the most severe experiences were sore nipples (moderate, 3) and engorgement (mild, 2). At week four, the most frequent experiences were mothers feeling tired/fatigued (85.8%), mothers feeling tense and overwhelmed (85.8%), and baby’s reluctance to nurse due to fussiness (71.5%). The most severe experiences were feeling tired/fatigued (moderate, 3), sore nipples, baby’s reluctance to nurse due to sleepiness and fussiness, leaking breasts, and feeling tense and overwhelmed (mild, 2). The majority of mothers (n=6) reported they had an improved breastfeeding experience and that they had a decrease in breastfeeding problems because of their telehealth experience. At four weeks, 5 were exclusively breastfeeding. In conclusion, telehealth may be an important tool in breastfeeding assessment and support and more research in this area is needed.
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Research Projects
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Nursing, Breastfeeding, Telehealth
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