Array Manifold Calibration for Multichannel SAR Sounders
Moore, Theresa
Moore, Theresa
This dissertation demonstrates airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sounder array manifold calibration to improve outcomes in two-dimensional and three-dimensional image formation of ice sheet and glacier subsurfaces. The methodology relies on the creation of snapshot databases that aid in both the identification of calibration pixels as well as the validation of proposed calibration strategies. A parametric estimator of nonlinear SAR sounder manifold parameters is derived given a superset of statistically independent and spatially diverse subsets, assuming knowledge of the manifold model. Both measurements-based and computational electromagnetic modeling (CEM) approaches are pursued in obtaining a parametric representation of the manifold that enables the application of this estimator. The former relies on a principal components based characterization of SAR sounder manifolds. By incorporating a subspace clustering technique to identify pixels with a single dominant source, the algorithm circumvents an assumption of single source observations that underlies the formulation of nonparametric methods and traditionally limits the applicability of these techniques to the SAR sounder problem. Three manifolds are estimated and tested against a nominal manifold model in angle estimation and tomography. Measured manifolds on average reduce angle estimation error by a factor of 4.8 and lower vertical elevation uncertainty of SAR sounder derived digital elevation models by a factor of 3.7. Application of the measured manifolds in angle estimation produces 3-D images with more focused scattering signatures and higher intensity pixels that improve automated surface extraction outcomes. Measured manifolds are studied against Method of Moments predictions of the array's response to plane wave excitation obtained with a detailed model of the sounder's array that includes the airborne platform and fairing housing. CEM manifolds reduce angle estimation uncertainty off nadir on average by a factor of 3 when applied to measurements, providing initial confirmation of the utility of the CEM model in predicting angle estimation performance of the sounder's airborne arrays. The research findings of this dissertation indicate that SAR sounder manifold calibration will significantly increase the scientific value of legacy ice sheet and glacier sounding data sets and lead to optimized designs of future remote sensing instrumentation for surveying the cryosphere.
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University of Kansas
Research Projects
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Electrical engineering, Array, calibration, ice, manifold, SAR, tomography