Corrosion-Induced Concrete Cracking for Uncoated and Galvanized Reinforcing Bars
Darwin, David ; O'Reilly, Matthew ; Farshadfar, Omid ; Browning, JoAnn ; Locke, Carl, Jr.
Darwin, David
O'Reilly, Matthew
Farshadfar, Omid
Browning, JoAnn
Locke, Carl, Jr.
Corrosion-related cracking in reinforced concrete is caused by
expansive corrosion products and the resulting tensile stresses.
While the amount of corrosion to cause cracking has been studied
for uncoated conventional reinforcement, significantly less is
known about the corrosion loss at cracking for galvanized reinforcement.
Conventional and galvanized bars were cast in chloride-
contaminated concrete. Clear cover to the bar ranged from
0.5 to 2 in. (12.7 to 51 mm). Specimens were tested both with and
without the use of impressed current to drive corrosion. It was found
that galvanized reinforcement requires greater corrosion losses
to crack concrete than conventional steel reinforcement. Visual
observations at autopsy suggest that the cracking of the concrete
specimens containing galvanized reinforcement was not due to zinc
corrosion products, but rather to corrosion products from intermetallic
iron-zinc layers or from the underlying steel. Further study is
needed to determine the exact nature of these corrosion products.
Tests using impressed current may be used to establish the corrosion
loss required to cause cracking.
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American Concrete Institute
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Chlorides, Corrosion, Cracking, Galvanized reinforcement, Steel reinforcement, Zinc
O’Reilly, M., Farshadfar, O., Darwin, D., Browning, J., and Locke, C., “Corrosion-Induced Concrete Cracking for Uncoated and Galvanized Reinforcing Bars,” ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 115, No. 6, Nov. 2018, pp. 825-832.