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Processing Methodology and Dialectological Aspects of the Dictionary of Moravian and Silesian Anoikonyms (Minor Place Names)

Čižmárová, Libuše
This paper presents the routines used by Brno linguists working on the Dictionary of Moravian and Silesian Anoikonyms (preparing col-lective entries introduced by abstract headwords). The output will be primarily a multifunctional interactive digital dictionary. Since most of the material has been recorded in dialect form, the authors must be experienced in dialectology. The computer program offers the pos-sibility to generate maps enabling comparison with dialectological maps of the Czech Linguistic Atlas.
Članek predstavlja postopek, ki so ga uporabili jezikoslovci iz Brna, ki pripravljajo Slovar moravskih in šlezijskih anojkonimov (Dictionary of Moravian and Silesian Anoikonyms), in sicer pripravo skupnih vnosov, ki jih uvajajo abstraktne iztočnice. Rezultat bo multifunkcionalni interaktivni digitalni slovar. Gradivo je večinoma posneto v narečju, zato mora biti avtor izkušen dialektolog. Računalniški program omogoča izdelavo kart, ki omogočajo primerjavo z dialektološkimi kartami v Češkem lingvističnem atlasu (Czech Linguistic Atlas). the Dictionary of Moravian and Silesian Anoikonyms (preparing collective entries introduced by abstract headwords). The output will be primarily a multifunctional interactive digital dictionary. Since most of the material has been recorded in dialect form, the authors must be experienced in dialectology. The computer program offers the possibility to generate maps enabling comparison with dialectological maps of the Czech Linguistic Atlas.
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anojkonimi (imena manjših krajev), slovar, interaktivni digitalni slovar, leksikografija, onomastika, dialektologija, anoikonyms (minor place names), Dictionary, interactive digital dictionary, Lexicography, onomastics, Dialectology
Čižmárová, Libuše. "Processing Methodology and Dialectological Aspects of the Dictionary of Moravian and Silesian Anoikonyms (Minor Place Names)." Slavia Centralis. 1. (2010): 183-195. http://dx.doi.org/10.17161/SCN.1808.7336
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