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In vitro comparison of conventional film and direct digital imaging in the detection of approximal caries

Castro, V. M.
Katz, J. O.
Hardman, P. K.
Glaros, A. G.
Spencer, Paulette
Objectives: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of conventional film, unenhanced direct digital and inversion grayscale direct digital imaging in the detection of approximal caries. Methods: 150 approximal surfaces of extracted permanent molars and premolars were selected for the study on the basis of varying lesion depth. The teeth were radiographed using Ektaspeed Plus film; digital images were made with a Schick CMOS-APS sensor. 7 examiners evaluated 58 randomized images of each modality. Histological sectioning of the teeth was used to verify the presence and extent of decay. Results: No significant difference was found between the diagnostic accuracies of the three imaging modalities (P=0.226). Analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of the three modalities on lesion depth showed no statistically significant interaction; however, the main effect of the lesion depth was significant (P<0.001, η2=0.936). Conclusions: The overall diagnostic accuracy of the three modalities in the detection of approximal carious lesions was comparable. All three modalities performed poorly in the detection of enamel lesions.
This is the published version. Copyright 2014 British Institute of Radiology.
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British Institute of Radiology
Research Projects
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Digital radiography, Image processing, Carious lesions, Radiography
Castro, Vm, Jo Katz, Pk Hardman, Ag Glaros, and P. Spencer. "In Vitro Comparison of Conventional Film and Direct Digital Imaging in the Detection of Approximal Caries." Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 36.3 (2007): 138-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1259/dmfr/15558921
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