Sixth Assessment of the Science, Engineering, and Math Infrastructure at Three Universities in Kansas
Ott, Genna M.
Ott, Genna M.
Kansas received its first NSF EPSCoR grant in 1992. The second NSF EPSCoR grant, received in 1995, is a cooperative agreement, negotiated on a yearly renewal basis. Assessment of the status of science, engineering, and math (SEM) research and infrastructure at the state's three Ph.D. granting institutions (Kansas State University, University of Kansas - Lawrence, and Wichita State University) has occurred annually. Assessment revealed that, at the end of the first three years of NSF EPSCoR funding, the state's competitive position was improving, especially for faculty who received EPSCoR funds.
Phase II of the NSF EPSCoR funding has begun, and the state has renewed its efforts to improve its competitive position. However, maintaining past gains has proven to be a challenge. The chart, The Universities at a Glance for 1996/or Science, Engineering and Math, at the end of this executive summary gives an overview of the current situation for Kansas. Data concerned with faculty, enrollment, and degrees awarded are reported for annual year 1996. Grant data are reported for fiscal year 1995. Current assessment revealed several important findings.
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Institute for Public Policy and Business Research, University of Kansas
Research Projects
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Genna M. Ott. Sixth Assessment of the Science, Engineering, and Math Infrastructure at Three Universities in Kansas. Institute for Public Policy and Business Research, University of Kansas. Technical Report Series: 243 (December 1997).