ECKAN Needs Assessment Survey 2000 of Service Providers and Clients Survey Analysis
Hurd, Genna M.
Hurd, Genna M.
The East Central Kansas Economic Opportunity Corporation (ECKAN) contracted with the Policy Research Institute (PRI) at the University of Kansas (in August 2000) to assist with a needs assessment survey of clients and service providers. The Survey Research Center (SRC) at PRI worked with ECKAN to develop the surveys administered to ECKAN’s clients and providers in their service area. The administration of the surveys was conducted by ECKAN (during November 2000). ECKAN sent surveys to all their providers and randomly sought 100 client surveys for each county. The completed surveys were then delivered to SRC for data entry into an SPSS database, which was completed in January 2001.
Twenty-nine out of 50 providers completed the Service Provider Survey for a response rate of 58 percent. They were asked to rate both the need for and provision of various services pertaining to housing, employment, childcare, education, transportation, emergency services/intervention, health/nutrition, use of income, and medical. The providers were also asked to respond to questions about housing and employment issues.
The Client Survey was administered in seven counties in the ECKAN area and 685 clients completed this survey, which is approximately 57 percent of ECKAN’s clients. The clients were asked to rate their need for a service as well as whether or not they were receiving the service. The Client Survey also included demographic and family profile questions, which were not part of the Service Provider Survey.
The Kansas Center for Community Economic Development (KCCED) with PRI became involved in this process in February 2001 with the generation of preliminary tables for both the Service Provider and Client surveys. County-level tables for the Client Survey were also developed.
The findings are divided along the same sections as the Client Survey: I) Housing, II) Employment, III) Other Services, and IV) Family Profile. For each section, an analysis of the responses of the providers is followed by the responses of the clients. A county breakdown of the clients’ responses is also reported. Tables for the county-level responses can be found in Appendix A. The following analysis provides an overview of the need for services and the services provided as well as differences among the counties served.
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Policy Research Institute, University of Kansas
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Genna M. Hurd. ECKAN Needs Assessment Survey 2000 of Service Providers and Clients Survey Analysis. Policy Research Institute, University of Kansas. Technical Report Series: 50 (May 2001; 48 pages).