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Sociolinguistic and Geolinguistic Variation in the Basque language

Aurrekoetxea, Gotzon
In this contribution, we show the first results of the “Socio-geolinguistic atlas of the Basque language-EAS”. This research project was presented at the Vth Congress of Dialectology and Geolinguistics held in Braga. On the one hand, we present some data collected in the same locality from informants of different generations (the elderly, adults and young people). We examine the linguistic differences that we found among people of these generations and we analyse whether the difference among generations is similar in all localities or not, or whether some of them have peculiar characteristics. On the other hand, we show different types of geolinguistic variation: variation among elderly people, adults or among young people.
V prispevku so predstavljeni prvi rezultati Socio- in geolingvističnega atlasa baskovskega jezika – EAS. Raziskovalni projekt je bil predstavljen na 5. konferenci SIDG, ki je bila v Bragi. Predstavljamo nekatere podatke, zbrane na isti lokaciji pri informatorjih različnih generacij (starejša, srednja, mlajša). Raziskujemo jezikovne razlike, ki se pojavljajo med govorci teh generacij, in analiziramo, ali so medgeneracijske razlike enake na vseh lokacijah ali pa se med njimi pojavljajo kakšne posebnosti. Prikazujemo tudi različne tipe geolingvističnih variacij med generacijami.
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sociolingvistična variacija, geolingvistična variacija, jezikovni korpus, baskovska dialektologija, sociolinguistic variation, geolinguistic variation, corpus linguistics, Basque dialectology
Aurrekoetxea, Gotzon. "Sociolinguistic and Geolinguistic Variation in the Basque language." Slavia Centralis. 1. (2010): 88-100. http://dx.doi.org/10.17161/SCN.1808.7328
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