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Unit co-planning for academic and college and career readiness in inclusive secondary classrooms

Toews, Samantha Gross
Kurth, Jennifer A.
Miller, Amanda L.
Lockman Turner, Elissa
Access to quality general education instruction that includes academic and non-academic skills is a right for all children. To accomplish this, it is necessary to provide tools that foster collaborative planning for student success. The Unit Co-Planning Guide (UCPG) has been designed for secondary general and special educators to use during co-planning meetings. The teachers using this guide will (a) outline the essential academic and non-academic content of the unit, (b) integrate aspects of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into instruction, (c) promote self-determination through goal-setting and choice-making, and (d) identify material, peer, and adult supports that will facilitate meaningful participation and progress in general education curricula for all students. Teachers must focus on creating access to inclusive general education settings and meaningful supports for 21st century college and career readiness (CCR) skills for all students, particularly students with extensive support needs. By bringing general and special educators together to plan, they can better support diverse and inclusive classrooms.
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Sage Publications
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Inclusive education, Collaborative planning, Universal Design for Learning, Significant disabilities, College and career readiness
Toews, S. G., Miller, A. L., Kurth, J. A., & Lockman-Turner, E. (2020, In process). Unit co-planning for academic and college and career readiness in inclusive secondary classrooms. Submitted to: Teaching Exceptional Children.
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