Integrating a Faculty Activity Reporting System with an Institutional Repository in Support of Open Access
Hanrath, Scott
Hanrath, Scott
In 2011 the University of Kansas began an initiative to centrally manage teaching, research, and service information in a faculty activity reporting system using the Digital Measures Activity Insight product and branded on campus as Professional Record Online (PRO). As data have been added to the system, staff at KU Libraries have worked with PRO staff both to leverage publication data to populate our institutional repository KU ScholarWorks and to modify PRO data entry forms to gather additional information to aid our repository services. While the PRO publication data have allowed us to capture more scholarship for our repository, the process has not been without challenges. This presentation will describe how our workflows for turning faculty activity reposting system data into repository records have evolved, including our attempts to deal with messy data that had been manually keyed from a CV, processes to automate rights checking using the SherpaRomeo API, communication strategies and success with obtaining author drafts from faculty members, attempts for gathering metrics about compliance with KU’s faculty-passed Open Access policy, and how staffing structures and roles have changed over time.
Slides and speaker's notes from presentation at Open Repositories 2016, Dublin, Ireland, June 15, 2016.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Institutional repositories, Open access
Hanrath, Scott (2016, June). Integrating a Faculty Activity Reporting System with an Institutional Repository in Support of Open Access. Presented at Open Repositories 2016, Dublin, Ireland.