
Bringing Digital Data Management into Methods Courses: Linguistic Anthropology Module

Dwyer, Arienne M.
This teaching unit provides an overview of data management practices and issues tailored to the sub-discipline of Linguistic Anthropology, one of four modules on data management in Anthropology. They cover data management from project design to research dissemination, including design specifications, formats, preservation and access. The module is aimed at practicing anthropologists and at anthropologists in training (students) as well as independent scholars and language activists, and will serve linguists equally well. The module can be covered in a 2-day intensive course, as a week-long part of a longer course, or as self-study materials. Topics are covered in bullet-point form, so that instructors and participants can elaborate and adapt the materials according to their own needs and circumstances. Extensive references and exercises are included.
Data management is an essential component of any research project, yet is rarely taught. The four sub-disciplinary Anthropology modules are intended as a rapid and brief introduction to fill that gap. The teaching unit is largely based on Arienne Dwyer's February 2016 draft on digital data management principles for Linguistic Anthorpologists, with additions from the February and May 2016 data management consultants as well as from the other three module writers (Lindsay Lloyd-Smith, Kathryn Oths, and George H. Perry).The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and American Anthropological Association (AAA) initiated this data management project in mid-2015, as a service for anthropologists and to improve the quality of the data management plans (DMPs) in grant proposals. The AAA solicited modules in Biological Anthropology, Sociocultural Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, and Archaeology. They convened two meetings in early 2016 with the four recruited authors, data management experts, and representatives of the AAA and NSF, and twice obtained feedback on drafts of the modules. The modules writers, including the present author, invite user feedback and adaptation of these materials. A modified version of this document was published in September 2016 by the American Anthropological Association:
Journal Title
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American Anthropological Association
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Data management, Anthropology, Ethics, Data preservation, Linguistics, Data management plans
Dwyer, Arienne M. 2016. Bringing Digital Data Management into Methods Courses: Linguistic Anthropology Module. In Bringing Digital Data Management Training into Methods Courses for Anthropology. Arlington, Va: American Anthropological Association.
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